样式 属性 和值

Style Property and Values

我正在提取 HTML DOM 中每个元素的名称和值。对于只能提取 属性 名称而非值的样式属性。


var elementHandles = await page.QuerySelectorAllAsync("a");
    foreach (var handle in elementHandles)
        var elementStyle = await handle.GetPropertyAsync("style");
        var style = await elementStyle.JsonValueAsync();
        var output = style.ToString();


  "0": "font-family",
  "1": "font-size",
  "2": "line-height",
  "3": "color",
  "4": "text-align"


font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; 
font-size: 12px; 
line-height: 16px; 
color: #999999;
text-align: left

问题是 CSSStyleDeclaration 是如何序列化的。如果这就是 Chromium 决定序列化该对象的方式,那么我们无能为力。

但是,我们可以尝试使用 EvaluateFunctionAsync 从 javascript 开始解决这个问题。

foreach (var handle in elementHandles)
  var style = await page.EvaluateFunctionAsync<Dictionary<string, string>>(
    "e => Object.entries(e.style).filter(i => isNaN(i[0]) && i[1]).map(i => { return { [i[0]] : i[1]}}).reduce((acc, cur) => { return {...acc, ...cur}}, {})", handle);
  var output = style.ToString();


e=> //We send the HTML element instead of the style property
  Object.entries(e.style) //We get all the property/value pairs from the CSSStyleDeclaration object
    // We want to exclude number properties (like 0,1,2) and empty values
    .filter(i => isNaN(i[0]) && i[1]) 
    //We turn them into objects
    .map(i => { return { [i[0]] : i[1]}})
    //We merge them into one single object that will be returned to C#
    .reduce((acc, cur) => { return {...acc, ...cur}}, {})