
Should I declare my function template specializations or is defining them enough?

我有一些 class 可以检查。实现它的代码在头文件中声明了一个函数模板,并将其专门用于不同的源文件:

// check.h
template <class T>
bool check(const T& object);
// class1.h
struct Class1 {int mass;};
// check_class1.cpp
#include "class1.h"
#include "check.h"
template <>
bool check(const Class1& object) {return object.mass < 100;}
// class2.h
struct Class2 {int price;};
// check_class2.cpp
#include "class2.h"
#include "check.h"
template <>
bool check(const Class2& object) {return object.price < 1000;}
// class3.h
struct Class3 {int x;};
... // 10 more classes which I can check


#include "class1.h"
#include "class2.h"
#include "class3.h"
#include "check.h"

int main()
    Class1 object1{50};
    Class2 object2{500};
    Class3 object3{8};
    check(object1); // OK
    check(object2); // OK
    check(object3); // a link error appears here

这很好用。当我添加另一个我可以检查的 class Class3 时,我不需要触及头文件,因为它定义了一个非常广泛的接口。如果我忘记为 Class3 实现 check 函数,链接器会用错误消息提醒我。

我的问题是:这种行为是有保证的,还是我的代码能正常工作?我正在使用 Visual Studio.


您必须在使用之前声明每个显式特化。但是您可以在 headers 中声明它专门针对的类型。

// class2.h
struct Class2 {int price;};
template <class T>
bool check(const T& object);
template <>
bool check(const Class2& object)




6 If a template, a member template or a member of a class template is explicitly specialized then that specialization shall be declared before the first use of that specialization that would cause an implicit instantiation to take place, in every translation unit in which such a use occurs; no diagnostic is required. If the program does not provide a definition for an explicit specialization and either the specialization is used in a way that would cause an implicit instantiation to take place or the member is a virtual member function, the program is ill-formed, no diagnostic required. An implicit instantiation is never generated for an explicit specialization that is declared but not defined.

如果我没看错的话,这意味着如果向 main.cpp 添加显式特化,则它必须出现在 main 之前。因为那是可能发生隐式实例化的地方。该段落不会使您的代码完全消除格式错误的 NDR,因为用法和显式专业化出现在不同的 TU 中。但这确实引起了关注。



7 A function template, member function of a class template, variable template, or static data member of a class template shall be defined in every translation unit in which it is implicitly instantiated unless the corresponding specialization is explicitly instantiated in some translation unit; no diagnostic is required.

这个允许我们在单独的看不见的 TU 中明确地实例化。但它没有为明确的专业化提供津贴。不知道是有意还是无意。

