平均。 CPU 在 NewRelic 上的使用

Avg. CPU usage on NewRelic

NewRelic 正在显示平均。 CPU 我的应用使用率为 11200%。可能是什么问题。我的应用程序似乎在我的 iPhone 上运行良好,并且没有用户报告过我的应用程序导致电池性能下降。还有其他人面临同样的问题吗?如何调试?

Infrastructure Hosts page calculate CPU average 使用多个属性

CPU percentage is not collected by New Relic, but derived from several other metrics. Specifically, the cpuPercent attribute is an aggregation of cpuUserPercent, cpuSystemPercent, cpuIoWaitPercent and cpuStealPercent


您可以在 discuss newrelic infrastructure


或写NRQL query in Insights to check these attributes using SystemSample

To query Infrastructure event data, use the NRQL syntax with the Insights Data Explorer:

Go to insights.newrelic.com > Data Explorer. From the query command line, use FROM before the event type.

select cpuUserPercent , cpuSystemPercent , cpuIOWaitPercent , cpuStealPercent from SystemSample


