Android visual studio 中的模拟器即使安装并启用了 Hyper-V 也无法启动

Android emulator in visual studio not launching even though Hyper-V is installed and enabled

我正在尝试 运行 android 模拟器到 Visual Studio 2019 来测试我用 Xamarin 创建的应用程序。我按照文档中概述的步骤启用和安装 Hyper-V:Documentation


Starting emulator pixel_3_pie_9_0_api_28 ...
1>Waiting for runtime checks to complete
Emulator pixel_3_pie_9_0_api_28 cannot be started.
Runtime checks completed
1>Starting deployment to pixel_3_pie_9_0_api_28 ...
1>Starting emulator pixel_3_pie_9_0_api_28 ...
1>Launching the Android Emulator pixel_3_pie_9_0_api_28 on Hyper-V needs the Windows Hypervisor Platform installed and enabled.
1>Please configure it using the Turn Windows features on or off dialog.
Build has been canceled.

我不确定为什么会发生这种情况,因为我安装并启用了 Hyper-V。任何想法都会很棒!

相关图片: Windows Features CMD

如果更改了 Windows Hypervisor Platform 选项,


最后在创建设备时,select 通过单击 处理器 下拉菜单为此虚拟设备设置处理器类型。选择 x86 将提供最佳性能,因为它使模拟器能够利用 hardware acceleration