Espresso 无法点击显示的视图

Espresso can't click displayed view

一夜之间,我的 ui 测试突然停止工作:

咖啡师排队 clickOn( 抛出:

com.schibsted.spain.barista.internal.failurehandler.BaristaException: Could not perform action single click on view with id: [...]   
Caused by: androidx.test.espresso.NoMatchingViewException: No views in hierarchy found matching: (is displayed on the screen to the user and with id: [...]

Espresso 中的行 onView(withId(, click()) 抛出:

androidx.test.espresso.PerformException: Error performing 'single click - At Coordinates: 53, 1723 and precision: 16, 16' on view 'Animations or transitions are enabled on the target device.  
Caused by: java.util.NoSuchElementException: List is empty.

我不明白为什么会这样。我可以在测试期间看到屏幕上的视图,espresso 给了我一些坐标。

因为它是一个 TextView 我也尝试了 Baristas clickOn(context.getString(R.string.myText)) 但它抛出:

com.schibsted.spain.barista.internal.failurehandler.BaristaException: Could not perform action single click on view with text: is [...]  
Caused by: androidx.test.espresso.NoMatchingViewException: No views in hierarchy found matching: (is displayed on the screen to the user and with text: is [...]

该错误与 Espresso 或 Barista 无关。
java.util.NoSuchElementException: List is empty 被扔到视图的 OnClickListener 中。