C remainder/modulo 正参数的运算符定义

C remainder/modulo operator definition for positive arguments

我在我应该修复的程序中发现了一个函数,它定义了一个 mod 函数:

int mod(int a, int b)
  int i = a%b;
  if(i<0) i+=b;
  return i;

我被告知 ab 将永远是积极的...

嗯? if(i<0)?


the result of the modulo operation is an equivalence class, and any member of the class may be chosen as representative


...; however, the usual representative is the least positive residue, the smallest nonnegative integer that belongs to that class, i.e. the remainder of the Euclidean division. However, other conventions are possible.

这意味着 6 % 7 可以 return 6(到目前为止还不错),而且 -1。嗯……真的吗? (让我们忽略所提供的实现并不能处理所有情况的事实。)

我知道模运算在数学上是这样的。但后来有人告诉我,C % 实际上确实 "not implement the modulo operator but the remainder"。



The result of the / operator is the quotient from the division of the first operand by the second; the result of the % operator is the remainder. In both operations, if the value of the second operand is zero, the behavior is undefined.

这是否意味着 6 % 7 总是 6?还是也可以-1

Does this mean, that 6 % 7 is always 6? Or can it be -1, too?

根据this documention


The binary operator % yields the remainder of the division of the first operand by the second (after usual arithmetic conversions).


when the type after usual arithmetic conversions is an integer type, the result is the algebraic quotient (not a fraction), rounded in implementation-defined direction (until C99)truncated towards zero (since C99)

所以6 / 7将是0,而6 % 7将是6 - 0,即6

关于模运算和等价 classes 的声明很有趣,但在 C(和大多数其他编程语言)中不是这样工作的。

而且,就算是这样,-8不也是等价的class吗?那么if(i<0) i+=b;也解决不了问题

But then someone else told me that the C % does in fact "not implement the modulo operator but the remainder".

说得好。在我链接的文档中,它被称为 "Remainder".


When integers are divided, the result of the / operator is the algebraic quotient with any fractional part discarded. If the quotient a/b is representable, the expression (a/b)*b + a%b shall equal a. [ISO/IEC 9899:2011: 6.5.5]


 17 %  3  ->  2
 17 % -3  ->  2
-17 %  3  -> -2
-17 % -3  -> -2

所以不,6%7 不能是 -1 因为提醒必须有相同的红利符号。


  • a == (a/b)*b + a%b
  • abs(a%b) < abs(b)
  • 如果 ab 为正数,则 a % b 为正数。

从 C99 开始,

  • a/b == trunc(a/b)
  • a%b0 或具有 a 的符号。

认为 6 % 7 可能是 -1 可能是因为忽略了 ab 阳性的结果始终得到保证这一事实并且错过了变化在 C99 中。

当一个数或另一个可能为负数时,至少有三种不同的方法来定义除法和余数算法。 (有关详细信息,请参阅 this Wikipedia article -- and particularly the nice picture there。)


在那里的三个选项中,C 使用了一个名为 "truncating division" 的选项。但是,同样,对于正数,它没有任何区别。 (曾几何时,由编译器决定是使用截断还是 "Euclidean" 除法,但事情只在一个定义上解决了,之前对 C 标准进行了几次修订。)

Does this mean, that 6 % 7 is always 6? Or can it be -1, too?

是的,6 % 7 总是 6(在 C 中,以及在任何三种定义下)。
