在 pybind11 中是否可以使用 py::cast 访问抽象基础 class?

Is it possible in pybind11 to use py::cast to access an abstract base class?

我在下面包含了一个最小的工作示例 - 它可以使用典型的 pybind11 指令(我使用 cmake)进行编译。

我有一个抽象基础class,Abstract,它是纯虚拟的。我可以使用 "trampoline class" 轻松地将它包装在 pybind11 中(这在 pybind11 中有详细记录)。

此外,我有一个 AbstractToBeWrapped 的具体实现,它也是使用 pybind11 包装的。

我的问题是我有一些客户端代码接受任意 PyObject*(或者,在这个例子中,pybind11 的包装器 py::object)并希望将其转换为 Abstract*.

但是,如我的示例所示,我无法将 py::object 转换为 Abstract*

我可以毫无问题地转换为 ToBeWrapped*,然后将其存储为 Abstract*', however this would require my client code to know ahead of time what kind ofAbstract*` python 解释器正在发送,这违背了抽象基础 class.


是否可以修改此代码,使客户端 accessMethod 能够任意处理从 python 解释器传递的 Abstract*

#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <iostream>

namespace py = pybind11;

// abstract base class - cannot be instantiated on its own
class Abstract
        virtual ~Abstract() = 0;
        virtual std::string print() const = 0;


// concrete implementation of Abstract
class ToBeWrapped : public Abstract
        ToBeWrapped(const std::string& msg = "heh?")
            : myMessage(msg){};
        std::string print() const override
            return myMessage;

        const std::string myMessage;

// We need a trampoline class in order to wrap this with pybind11
class AbstractPy : public Abstract
        using Abstract::Abstract;

        std::string print() const override
                std::string, // return type
                Abstract, // parent class
                print, // name of the function
                // arguments (if any)

// I have client code that accepts a raw PyObject* - this client code base implements its
// own python interpreter, and calls this "accessMethod" expecting to convert the python
// object to its c++ type.
// Rather than mocking up the raw PyObject* method (which would be trivial) I elected to
// keep this minimal example 100% pybind11
void accessMethod(py::object obj)
    // runtime error: py::cast_error
    //Abstract* casted = obj.cast<Abstract*>();

    // this works
    Abstract* casted = obj.cast<ToBeWrapped*>();

    m.doc() = R"pbdoc(
    This is a python module

    py::class_<Abstract, AbstractPy>(m, "Abstract")
        .def("print", &Abstract::print)

    py::class_<ToBeWrapped>(m, "WrappedClass")
        .def(py::init<const std::string&>())
    m.def("access", &accessMethod, "This method will attempt to access the wrapped type");


py::class_<ToBeWrapped>(m, "WrappedClass")


py::class_<ToBeWrapped, Abstract>(m, "WrappedClass")