如何在 Rails 上测试 Ruby 中 assert_text 的反义词

How to test the opposite of assert_text in Ruby on Rails

我想确定我的页面不包含某些文本,我知道有一个 assert_text 功能,但是,我该如何测试相反的功能?

我正在使用 RoR 6.0,默认测试框架(我认为它是测试单元)和水豚

Rails 6 默认使用 Minitest and Capybara

assert_text 来自 Capybara, or to be more precise, from Capybara::Minitest::Assertions.

如您在 Capybara::Minitest::Assertions, there is an assertion called assert_no_text 中所见,我想这正是您所需要的。

可以找到更多详细信息 here

这是 to a quick explanation of the difference between Test::Unit and Minitest.
