如何 VBA 等待 windows 保存对话框和发送密钥

How to VBA wait for windows save dialogbox and sendkeys

我正在创建一个从 SAP 旧版本 7.20 下载并保存提取数据的宏文件,当出现保存对话框时,未检测到 windows 对话框,因为我的客户端 SAP 版本是旧版本 7.20。现在我对此的解决方案是发送密钥,但问题是一些数据包含大量数据,导致发送密钥的时间不可靠。


Sub test()

waitTime (10000)
Call SendKeys("{Enter}", True)

End Sub

Function waitTime(ByVal miliseconds As Double)

    Application.Wait (Now() + miliseconds / 24 / 60 / 60 / 1000)

End Function

假设您有一些类似的 SAPGUI 自动化代码

 ' This is the last line where you trigger some action within SAPGUI

 ' Let's assume this line triggers the download and with it the Windows dialog box 

然后你必须在 windows 对话框男孩被触发的行之前添加 vba 脚本的调用,即

 ' This is the last line where you trigger some action within SAPGUI

 dim SaveAs as string
 dim xlFile as string
 SaveAs ="Full Path to SaveAs.Vbs"
 xlFile = "Full Path to the xls file"

 Shell "wscript " & SaveAs & xlFile & " Save as"    

 ' Let's assume this line triggers the download and therefore the WIndows dialog box

SaveAs.vbs 脚本可能看起来像那样

' WScript.Echo WScript.Arguments.Count
if Wscript.Arguments.count > 0 then 

    ' This first section deletes the file if it already exists, to avoid a prompt to overwrite.
    set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    if fs.fileExists(WScript.arguments(0)) then
      Set myfile = fs.GetFile(WScript.arguments(0)) 
    end if

    'this loop runs until the Save As window finally appears
    set Wshell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
      ' Argument 1 must be the  excat caption of the Save As dialogbox:
      bWindowFound = Wshell.AppActivate(WScript.arguments(1))
      WScript.Sleep 1000
    Loop Until bWindowFound

      Wshell.appActivate WScript.arguments(1)
      Wshell.sendkeys "%n"       ' <= Keyboard short cut for Alt-n, you might need to change the n to your shortcut 
      WScript.Sleep 400
      Wshell.sendkeys WScript.arguments(0)
      Wshell.sendkeys "%s"      ' <= Keyboard short cut for Alt-s, you might need to change the n to your shortcut 
      WScript.Sleep 400
end if