如何使用 public/private RSA 密钥签署一些数据?

How to sign some data using public/private RSA key?

我有一个 RSA public/private 密钥 xml 文件。我想用它来签署一些数据,使用以下 classes 这是我如何使用 class:

$processor = new RSAProcessor("certificate.xml", RSAKeyType:: XMLFile);
$data =  $processor->sign($data); 

但我收到错误:WARNING: str_repeat(): Second argument has to be greater than or equal to 0 in RSA.php on line 81。如何解决?我想 php 7.2 的某些东西已经过时了?感谢您的帮助,我应该在 class 中做哪些更改才能避免此错误?

RSA class:

define("BCCOMP_LARGER", 1);
class RSA {
 static function rsa_encrypt($message, $public_key, $modulus, $keylength) {
  $padded = RSA::add_PKCS1_padding($message, true, $keylength / 8);
  $number = RSA::binary_to_number($padded);
  $encrypted = RSA::pow_mod($number, $public_key, $modulus);
  $result = RSA::number_to_binary($encrypted, $keylength / 8);
  return $result;
 static function rsa_decrypt($message, $private_key, $modulus, $keylength) {
  $number = RSA::binary_to_number($message);
  $decrypted = RSA::pow_mod($number, $private_key, $modulus);
  $result = RSA::number_to_binary($decrypted, $keylength / 8);
  return RSA::remove_PKCS1_padding($result, $keylength / 8);
 static function rsa_sign($message, $private_key, $modulus, $keylength) {
  $padded = RSA::add_PKCS1_padding($message, false, $keylength / 8);
  $number = RSA::binary_to_number($padded);
  $signed = RSA::pow_mod($number, $private_key, $modulus);
  $result = RSA::number_to_binary($signed, $keylength / 8);
  return $result;
 static function rsa_verify($message, $public_key, $modulus, $keylength) {
  return RSA::rsa_decrypt($message, $public_key, $modulus, $keylength);
 static function rsa_kyp_verify($message, $public_key, $modulus, $keylength) {
  $number = RSA::binary_to_number($message);
  $decrypted = RSA::pow_mod($number, $public_key, $modulus);
  $result = RSA::number_to_binary($decrypted, $keylength / 8);
  return RSA::remove_KYP_padding($result, $keylength / 8);
 static function pow_mod($p, $q, $r) {
  $factors = array();
  $div = $q;
  $power_of_two = 0;
while(bccomp($div, "0") == BCCOMP_LARGER)  {
   $rem = bcmod($div, 2);
   $div = bcdiv($div, 2);
   if($rem) array_push($factors, $power_of_two);
  $partial_results = array();
  $part_res = $p;
  $idx = 0;
  foreach($factors as $factor)  {
   while($idx < $factor)
    $part_res = bcpow($part_res, "2");
    $part_res = bcmod($part_res, $r);
   array_push($partial_results, $part_res);
  $result = "1";
  foreach($partial_results as $part_res)
   $result = bcmul($result, $part_res);
   $result = bcmod($result, $r);
  return $result;
 static  function add_PKCS1_padding($data, $isPublicKey, $blocksize)
  $pad_length = $blocksize - 3 - strlen($data);
   $block_type = "\x02";
   $padding = "";
   for($i = 0; $i < $pad_length; $i++)
    $rnd = mt_rand(1, 255);
    $padding .= chr($rnd);
   $block_type = "\x01";
   $padding = str_repeat("\xFF", $pad_length);
  return "\x00" . $block_type . $padding . "\x00" . $data;
  static function remove_PKCS1_padding($data, $blocksize)
  assert(strlen($data) == $blocksize);
  $data = substr($data, 1);
  if($data{0} == '[=12=]')
  die("Block type 0 not implemented.");
  assert(($data{0} == "\x01") || ($data{0} == "\x02"));
  $offset = strpos($data, "[=12=]", 1);
  return substr($data, $offset + 1);
  static function remove_KYP_padding($data, $blocksize)
  assert(strlen($data) == $blocksize);
  $offset = strpos($data, "[=12=]");
  return substr($data, 0, $offset);
 static function binary_to_number($data)
  $base = "256";
  $radix = "1";
  $result = "0";
  for($i = strlen($data) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--)
   $digit = ord($data{$i});
   $part_res = bcmul($digit, $radix);
   $result = bcadd($result, $part_res);
   $radix = bcmul($radix, $base);
  return $result;
 static  function number_to_binary($number, $blocksize)
  $base = "256";
  $result = "";
  $div = $number;
  while($div > 0)
   $mod = bcmod($div, $base);
   $div = bcdiv($div, $base);
   $result = chr($mod) . $result;
  return str_pad($result, $blocksize, "\x00", STR_PAD_LEFT);

RSAProcessor class:

class RSAProcessor
 private $public_key = null;
 private $private_key = null;
 private $modulus = null;
 private $key_length = "1024";
 public function __construct($xmlRsakey=null,$type=null)
         $xmlObj = null;
         if ($xmlRsakey==null) {
             $xmlObj = simplexml_load_file("xmlfile/RSAKey.xml");
          } elseif ($type==RSAKeyType::XMLFile) {
             $xmlObj = simplexml_load_file($xmlRsakey);
          } else {
             $xmlObj = simplexml_load_string($xmlRsakey);
         $this->modulus = RSA::binary_to_number(base64_decode($xmlObj->Modulus));
         $this->public_key = RSA::binary_to_number(base64_decode($xmlObj->Exponent));
         $this->private_key = RSA::binary_to_number(base64_decode($xmlObj->D));
         $this->key_length = strlen(base64_decode($xmlObj->Modulus))*8;
 public function getPublicKey() {
  return $this->public_key;
 public function getPrivateKey() {
  return $this->private_key;
 public function getKeyLength() {
  return $this->key_length;
 public function getModulus() {
  return $this->modulus;
 public function encrypt($data) {
  return base64_encode(RSA::rsa_encrypt($data,$this->public_key,$this->modulus,$this->key_length));
  public function dencrypt($data) {
  return RSA::rsa_decrypt($data,$this->private_key,$this->modulus,$this->key_length);
  public function sign($data) {
  return RSA::rsa_sign($data,$this->private_key,$this->modulus,$this->key_length);
  public function verify($data) {
  return RSA::rsa_verify($data,$this->public_key,$this->modulus,$this->key_length);

class RSAKeyType{
 const XMLFile = 0;
 const XMLString = 1;


    <InverseQ>WE6TqpcexQJwt9Mnp1FbeLtarBcFkXVdBauouFKHcbHCfQjA3IjUrGTxgSO74O/4QSKqaF2gnlL6GI7gKuGbzQ==</InverseQ>  <D>czYtWDfHsFGv3fNOs+cGaB3E+xDTiw7HYGuquJz2qjk/s69x/zqFEKuIH8Ndq+eZYFQUCx+EGGxxENDkmYPa0z8wbfFI6JEHpxaLmQfpkkbSL1BJIp9Z5BNM2gy6jJqgbWwQPcN/4jpiMefHZWAqhMKqenUu1KIq1ZX6Bz5xKYk=</D>

感谢您的帮助,我应该如何更改 class 以避免此错误?


$privateKey = "<RSAKeyValue>...</RSAKeyValue>";
$processor = new RSAProcessor($privateKey, RSAKeyType::XMLString);

另一方面,相同的代码在 http://sandbox.onlinephpfunctions.com/ (PHP 7.01 - PHP 7.3.5) 上失败,并出现与您相同的错误消息。原因是 simplexml_load_string() 方法被禁用了。因此无法加载密钥,RSAProcessor-class的成员变量$modulus$key_length$private_key$public_key得到值0。结果,使用 $blocksize=$keylength/8 调用的方法 add_PKCS1_padding 确定 $pad_length=$blocksize-3-strlen($data) 的负值,这显然会导致错误消息 str_repeat():当调用 str_repeat("\xFF", $pad_length) 时,第二个参数必须大于或等于 0

如果我在我的本地环境中禁用方法 simplexml_load_file,我可以完全重现此行为。由于代码原则上有效,因此可以假设您的系统也禁用了方法,尤其是 simplexml_load_file.

禁用的方法可以通过从 php.ini.

disable_functions 列表中删除来启用


正如评论中已经提到的,RSA 得到了绝大多数图书馆的支持,例如phpseclib, here, which also supports the key format used in your code, here.

一般来说,对于 PKCS#1,根据 RFC 8017, see also here 签名的不是数据本身,而是带有前面摘要信息(DigestInfo 值的 DER 编码)的散列。还必须指定摘要。假设您的数据(即传递给您的 RSAProcessor#sign 方法的 $data)遵循此约定,即:

$dataToSign = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'; 
$data = hex2bin('3031300d060960864801650304020105000420' . hash('SHA256', $dataToSign, false));

以下使用 phpseclib 库(以 SHA256 作为摘要)的代码将生成 相同 签名:


$rsa = new Crypt_RSA();

$privateKey = "<RSAKeyValue>...</RSAKeyValue>";
$dataToSign = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog';

$rsa->setPrivateKeyFormat(CRYPT_RSA_PRIVATE_FORMAT_XML);  // private key format

$rsa->setHash('sha256');                                  // digest for signing
$rsa->setSignatureMode(CRYPT_RSA_SIGNATURE_PKCS1);        // RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5-padding
$signature = $rsa->sign($dataToSign);

echo 'Signature (hex):    ' . bin2hex($signature) . "\n";
echo 'Signature (base64): ' . base64_encode($signature) . "\n";




对于 SHA1,您的代码的 ID 加散列可以按如下方式确定:

$data = hex2bin('3021300906052b0e03021a05000414' . hash('SHA1', $dataToSign, false));

$data = hex2bin('3021300906052b0e03021a05000414' . SHA1($dataToSign, false));

hash-function or the sha1-function can be used. In both cases, the last parameter $raw_output controls whether the return is a binary (TRUE) or a hex string (FALSE). Because of the concatenation with the ID I return the hash as hex string, do the concatenation and finally convert explicitly with hex2bin into the binary representation. The digest ID can also be found here, page 47.

在 phpseclib 代码中

