
Get compile time type of member of Generic'd object

我正在尝试创建一个函数来简化可用于任意目的的对象上的 setter 函数的设置。明显的用途包括类型保护、值和绑定检查或触发事件。

我们的想法是采用一个已知形状的对象并调用一个函数 return 一个具有相同可枚举形状的新对象,其中每个对象的成员实际上都具有 setget "Properties"。 setters 来自函数的第二个参数,getters 只是 return "protected" 值。

此方法的大量实用性来自可能的严格类型。当受保护对象在您甚至可能无法控制的单独代码段中定义时,这尤其有用。如果对象形状发生变化,类型错误将确保新的 setter 为 added/removed.

我很容易地创建了一个 "flat" 版本。


function makeObjectSetter<T extends {}>(
  internal: T,
  setters: {
    [P in keyof T]: (next: T[P]) => void;
) {
  const ret = {};

  for (const x in internal) {
    Object.defineProperty(ret, x, {
      set: setters[x],
      get: () => internal[x],
      enumerable: true,

  return ret as T;


const myObject = {
  num: 42,
  str: 'initialValue',

const protectedObject = makeObjectSetter(myObject, {
  num(x) {
    // Make sure positive
    myObject.num = Math.max(x, 0);
  str(s) {
    // Always double the input
    myObject.str = s + s;

// { num: 42, str: 'initialValue' }

protectedObject.num = -1;
protectedObject.str = 'a';

// { num: 0, str: 'aa' }

for (let x in protectedObject) console.log(x);
// num
// str



我知道 TypeScript 类型在运行时不可用,但我相信这是一个编译时问题。我相信如果我在指定的行中获得正确的语法,它就会起作用。但也许我错了?


type NestedSetters<T extends {}> = { [P in keyof T]: T[P] extends {} ? NestedSetters<T[P]> : (next: T[P]) => void };

function makeObjectSetterRecursive<T extends {}>(internal: T, setters: NestedSetters<T>) {
  const ret = {};

  for (const x in internal) {
    let prop: PropertyDescriptor;

    // Can't figure out this line
    type t = typeof internal[x];

    // Pretty sure this test is the right runtime test for my purposes
    if (typeof internal[x] == 'object') {
      prop = {
        value: makeObjectSetterRecursive(internal[x], setters[x] as NestedSetters<t>), // Should be able to avoid this `as` cast, no?
    } else {
      prop = {
        set: setters[x] as (next: t) => void, // Should be able to avoid this `as` cast, no?
        get: () => internal[x],

    prop.enumerable = true;

    Object.defineProperty(ret, x, prop);

  return ret as T; // Extra extra bonus get rid of this `as` cast

除了typeof internal[x],我也试过Pick<typeof internal, x>和其他猜测都无济于事。


支线任务:我觉得 as 类型转换不需要正确的类型提示。

如您所述,TypeScript 类型在运行时不可用,因此 typeof internal[x] 无法工作。您正在寻找的是 T[Extract<keyof T, string>],它提取了道具值的类型。

关于转换问题,条件类型缩小似乎存在问题。 https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/issues/30152 因此,必须依赖 if else 语句中映射正确类型的运行时逻辑(在本例中为 typeof value === 'object')。对于语义,我认为创建用户定义的类型保护 isNestedSetters 并将值转换为联合类型 NestedSetters<T[P]> | Setter<T[P]> 很有用,因为这样编译器可以正确缩小范围。


type Setter<T> = T extends boolean ? (next: boolean) => void : (next: T) => void

type SetterOrNested<T> = T extends object ? NestedSetters<T> : Setter<T>

type NestedSetters<T> = {
  [P in keyof T]: SetterOrNested<T[P]>

function isNestedSetters<T>(value: any): value is NestedSetters<T> {
  return typeof value === 'object';

function makeObjectSetterRecursive<T extends {}>(internal: T, setters: NestedSetters<T>) {
  const ret = <T>{};

  for (const x in internal) {
    let prop: PropertyDescriptor;

    type P = Extract<keyof T, string>

    const setterOrNested = setters[x] as NestedSetters<T[P]> | Setter<T[P]>

    if (isNestedSetters<T[P]>(setterOrNested)) {
      prop = {
        value: makeObjectSetterRecursive(internal[x], setterOrNested),
    } else {
      prop = {
        set: setterOrNested,
        get: () => internal[x],

    prop.enumerable = true;

    Object.defineProperty(ret, x, prop);

  return ret;


const myObject = {
  num: 42,
  str: 'initialValue',
  others: {
    bool: true,
    nestedStr: ''

const protectedObject = makeObjectSetterRecursive(myObject, {
  num(x) {
    // Make sure positive
    myObject.num = Math.max(x, 0);
  str(s) {
    // Always double the input
    myObject.str = s + s;
  others: {
    bool(b) {
      // Toggle
      myObject.others.bool = !b
    nestedStr(s) {
      // Add 3 dots
      myObject.others.nestedStr = s + '...'

// { num: 42, str: 'initialValue', others: { bool: true, nestedStr: '' } }

protectedObject.num = -1;
protectedObject.str = 'a';
// { num: 0, str: 'aa', others: { bool: true, nestedStr: '' } }

protectedObject.others.bool = true;
protectedObject.others.nestedStr = 'abc';
// { num: 0, str: 'aa', others: { bool: false, nestedStr: 'abc...' } }
