此代码中预期的 Haskell 反向函数是什么?

What is the Haskell reverse function expected in this code?


module Lib (shift, cipherEncode, cipherDecode ) where
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe

abcdata :: [Char]
abcdata = ['a','b','c','d','e','f','g']

iabcdata :: [Char]
iabcdata = ['g','f','e','d','c','b','a']

shift :: Char -> Int -> Char
shift l n = if (n >= 0)
            then normalShift l n
            else inverseShift l (abs n)

normalShift :: Char -> Int -> Char
normalShift l n = shifter l n abcdata

inverseShift :: Char -> Int -> Char
inverseShift l n = shifter l n reverse(abcdata) -- This is the line

charIdx :: Char -> [Char] -> Int
charIdx target xs = fromJust $ elemIndex target xs

shifter :: Char -> Int -> [Char] -> Char
shifter l n xs = if (n < length (xs))
                picker ((charIdx l xs) + n) xs
                picker ((charIdx l xs) + (n `mod` length (xs))) xs

picker :: Int -> [Char] -> Char
picker n xs = if n < length xs
                xs!!(n `mod` length (xs))


inverseShift l n = shifter l n reverse(abcdata)


inverseShift l n = shifter l n iabcdata


另外,当我 reverse(abcdata) == iabcdata 时,它是 True 但是当我在代码中留下 reverse 时,出现以下错误

    * Couldn't match expected type `[Char] -> Char'
                  with actual type `Char'
    * The function `shifter' is applied to four arguments,
      but its type `Char -> Int -> [Char] -> Char' has only three
      In the expression: shifter l n reverse (abcdata)
      In an equation for `inverseShift':
          inverseShift l n = shifter l n reverse (abcdata)
21 | inverseShift l n = shifter l n reverse(abcdata)
   |                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    * Couldn't match expected type `[Char]'
                  with actual type `[a0] -> [a0]'
    * Probable cause: `reverse' is applied to too few arguments

我用 reverse(abcdata) 调用 shifter 做错了什么?

括号在 Haskell 中不是这样工作的。按照你写的方式,reverseabcdata 都是 shifter 的参数,但你希望 abcdatareverse 的参数。做 shifter l n (reverse abcdata) 而不是 shifter l n reverse(abcdata).

What am I doing wrong by calling shifter with reverse(abcdata) ?


    * Couldn't match expected type `[Char] -> Char'
                  with actual type `Char'
    * The function `shifter' is applied to four arguments,
      but its type `Char -> Int -> [Char] -> Char' has only three
      In the expression: shifter l n reverse (abcdata)
      In an equation for `inverseShift':
          inverseShift l n = shifter l n reverse (abcdata)


In an equation for `inverseShift':

inverseShift l n = shifter l n reverse (abcdata)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- mind the gap!

就是 Haskell 解读你的表情的方式。而这个是你写的:

21 | inverseShift l n = shifter l n reverse(abcdata)
   |                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

所以你实际上并没有用 reverse(abcdata) 调用 shifter

您用 reverse (abcdata) (以及 ln)调用它,也有解释在另一个答案中。