如何将一个数字分成几个不相等但递增的数字 [用于发送 PlaceOrder( OP_BUY, lots ) 合约 XTO ]

How to divide a number into several, unequal, yet increasing numbers [ for sending a PlaceOrder( OP_BUY, lots ) contract XTO ]

我尝试创建一个 MQL4 脚本(一种几乎与 C++ 相关的语言,MQL4),我想在其中 double 值划分为 9 部分,其中分数不相等,但增加


   Lots1 = 0.1;
   Lots2 = (Lots1 / 100) * 120;//120% of Lot1
   Lots3 = (Lots2 / 100) * 130;//130% of Lot2
   Lots4 = (Lots3 / 100) * 140;//140% of Lot3
   Lots5 = (Lots4 / 100) * 140;//140% of Lot4
   Lots6 = (Lots5 / 100) * 160;//160% of Lot5
   Lots7 = (Lots6 / 100) * 170;//170% of Lot6
   Lots8 = (Lots7 / 100) * 180;//180% of Lot7
   Lots9 = (Lots8 / 100) * 190;//190% of Lot8


double Lots = 0.1;   // a Lot Size
double lot  = Lots;
                   /* Here is the array with percentages of lots' increments
                                                         in order */
int AllZoneLots[8] = { 120, 130, 140, 140, 160, 170, 180, 190 }; // 120%, 130%,...

                  /* Here, the lot sizes are used by looping the array
                                         and increasing the lot size by the count */
for( int i = 0; i < ArraySize( AllZoneLots ); i++ ) {
                        lots = AllZoneLots[i] * ( lots / 100 ) *;
 // PlaceOrder( OP_BUY, lots );

但是,我想要的只是将固定值 6.7 分成 9 个部分,就像这些代码所做的那样,但要增加值,而不是相同... 例如,6.7 拆分为:

double lots = { 0.10, 0.12, 0.16, 0.22, 0.31, 0.50, 0.85, 1.53, 2.91 };
            /* This is just an example
                            of how to divide a value of 6.7 into 9, growing parts

不确定我是否理解正确,但可能您需要在所有批次之间共享 3.5 个。

而且我只能看到 8 批次,不包括最初的批次。

totalPercentage = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < ArraySize(AllZoneLots); i++) {
    totalPercentage += AllZoneLots[i];

double totalValue = 3.5;

// total value is total percentage, Lots1 - 100%, so:
Lots1 = totalValue / totalPercentage * 100.00;


如果要包括 Lots1,只需将总数加 100,然后执行相同的操作。


x = 6.7 / 45

即 0.148889

第一项是x,第二项是2 * x,第三项是3 * x等等。它们加起来是45 * x也就是6.7,但是最好除以last。所以第二项,比如说,将是 6.7 * 2 / 45;

这里的代码展示了如何在 C 中完成,因为 MQL4 使用 C 语法:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void) {
    double val = 6.7;
    double term;
    double sum = 0;
    for(int i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
        term = val * i / 45;
        printf("%.3f ", term);
        sum += term;
    printf("\nsum = %.3f\n", sum);


0.149 0.298 0.447 0.596 0.744 0.893 1.042 1.191 1.340 
sum = 6.700

Q : How to divide a number into several, unequal, yet increasing numbers [ for sending a PlaceOrder( OP_BUY, lots ) contract XTO ]?

A : 这个问题并不像第一眼看上去那么简单 :

终端生态系统中,问题的制定还必须服从外部决定的因素(对于任何希望不被拒绝的 XTO 来说都是强制性的,因为主要与 XTO 条款和条件不兼容设置并填充 ~ "placed" 在市场 )


MarketInfo( <_a_SymbolToReportSTRING>, MODE_MINLOT  ); // a minimum permitted size
MarketInfo( <_a_SymbolToReportSTRING>, MODE_LOTSTEP ); // a mandatory size-stepping
MarketInfo( <_a_SymbolToReportSTRING>, MODE_MAXLOT  ); // a maximum permitted size

此外,对于给定的小数位数,任何此类手数都必须先于提交 XTO "normalised",以便交易服务器在经纪商方面成功放置/接受。如果不这样做会导致远程拒绝 XTO-s(这显然会带来显着的阻塞/巨大的代码执行延迟惩罚,人们总是希望防止在实际交易中发生这种情况)

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,任何此类 XTO 规模都必须由一定数量的杠杆资产覆盖(在出于上述原因发送任何此类 XTO 之前,首先检查可用保证金的可用性)。


虽然上面的初始伪代码进行了渐进式(类似 Martingale 的)手数缩放:

>>> aListOfFACTORs = [ 100, 120, 130, 140, 140, 160, 170, 180, 190 ]
>>> for endPoint in range( len( aListOfFACTORs ) ):
...     product = 1.
...     for item in aListOfFACTORs[:1+endPoint]:
...         product *= item / 100.
...     print( "Lots{0:} ~ ought be about {1:} times the amount of Lots1".format( 1 + endPoint, product ) )

Lots1 ~ ought be about  1.0        times the amount of Lots1
Lots2 ~ ought be about  1.2        times the amount of Lots1
Lots3 ~ ought be about  1.56       times the amount of Lots1
Lots4 ~ ought be about  2.184      times the amount of Lots1
Lots5 ~ ought be about  3.0576     times the amount of Lots1
Lots6 ~ ought be about  4.89216    times the amount of Lots1
Lots7 ~ ought be about  8.316672   times the amount of Lots1
Lots8 ~ ought be about 14.9700096  times the amount of Lots1
Lots9 ~ ought be about 28.44301824 times the amount of Lots1


任何成功的策略都不是可以自由选择尺寸的。给定所述 9-steps 和固定数量的 total-amount ~ 6.7 lots,该过程可以服从步进和总计 plus,它必须遵守 MarketInfo()-报告的大小代数

鉴于 9 步 是强制性的,
每个都必须至少 _MINLOT-sized:

double total_amount_to_split = aSizeToSPLIT;

total_amount_to_split = Min(   aSizeToSPLIT,                 // a wished-to-have-sizing
                               FreeMargin/LotInBaseCurr*sFty // a FreeMargin-covered size 
int next = 0;

while ( total_amount_to_split >= _MINLOT )
{       total_amount_to_split -= _MINLOT;
        lot_size[next++]       = _MINLOT;
------------------------------------------------- HERE, WE HAVE 0:next lot_sizes
                                                                  next NEED NOT == 9
If there is anything yet to split:
   there is an integer amount of _LOTSTEP-s to distribute among 'em

   HERE, and ONLY here, you have a freedom to decide about split/mapping
                                           of the integer amount of _LOTSTEP-sized
                                           additions to the _MINLOT "pre"-sets
                                                                     in lot_size[]-s
   YET, still no more than _MAXLOT is permissible for the above explained reasons
------------------------------------------------- CODE has to obey this, if XTO-s
                                                                         are to
                                                                         get a chance