为 Google 数字范围过滤器的下限设置最大值

Set Maximum Value for Lower Range of Google Number Range Filter

我有一个交互式 Google 折线图,它显示了用户 select 编辑的两个不同年份之间的历史海平面数据。该图表还显示了 selected 期间的线性和多项式趋势线。可用的历史数据范围为 1904 年至 2018 年(含)。但是,用户可以 select 从 1904 年到 2120 年(含)的任何开始年份和结束年份。如果 select 编辑了 2018 年之后的结束年份,图表会显示截至 2018 年的可用历史数据,然后扩展两条趋势线以显示截至用户 select 编辑的预测海平面。

这似乎工作正常,直到 selected 年份都超过 2018 年,即 2020 年和 2056 年抛出错误时 ("Cannot read property 'top' of null"),因为它无法从期间不包含观测数据。目前,我正在使用一个错误处理程序来解决这个问题,该错误处理程序会在发生这种情况时启动并显示一条警告消息,告知用户他们不能 select 大于 2018 年的开始年份。然后页面会重新加载并显示数字range filter 默认回到 1904 年和 2018 年的开始和结束年份,这并不理想。我想做的是限制用户 select 开始年份不超过 2018 年,但数字范围过滤器控件中似乎没有 option/setting 来执行此操作.有什么想法吗?



<script src="https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

google.charts.load('current', {
  packages: ['controls']

function initialize() {
  var query = new google.visualization.Query('https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vn1iuhsG33XzFrC4QwkTdUnxOGdcPQOj-cuaEZeX-eA/edit#gid=0');

function drawDashboard(response) {

  var data = response.getDataTable();
  //Asign units of 'mm' to data.
  var formatMS = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({
    pattern: '# mm'

  // format data into mm.
  for (var colIndex = 1; colIndex < data.getNumberOfColumns(); colIndex++) {
    formatMS.format(data, colIndex);
  var YearPicker = new google.visualization.ControlWrapper({
    controlType: 'NumberRangeFilter',
    containerId: 'filter_div',
    options: {
      filterColumnLabel: 'Year',
      ui: {
        cssClass: 'filter-date',
        format: {pattern: '0000'},
        labelStacking: 'vertical',
        allowTyping: false,
        allowMultiple: false
    "state": {"lowValue": 1904, "highValue": 2018},

  google.visualization.events.addListener(YearPicker, 'statechange', filterChange);

  var MSLChart = new google.visualization.ChartWrapper({
    chartType: 'LineChart',
    containerId: 'chart_div',
    dataTable: data,
    options: {
      fontSize: '14',
      title: 'Timbucktoo Annual Mean Sea Level Summary',
      hAxis: {title: 'Year', format: '0000'},
      vAxis: {title: 'Height above Chart Datum (mm)', format:'###0'},
      height: 600,
      chartArea: {height: '81%', width: '85%', left: 100},
      legend: {position: 'in', alignment: 'end', textStyle: {fontSize: 13}},
      colors: ['blue'],
      trendlines: {
        0: {
          type: 'polynomial',
          degree: 2,
          color: 'green',
          visibleInLegend: true,
        1: {
          type: 'linear',
          color: 'black',
          visibleInLegend: true,
      series: {
        0: { visibleInLegend: true },
        1: { visibleInLegend: false },
    view: {columns: [0,1,2]}

  google.visualization.events.addOneTimeListener(MSLChart, 'ready', filterChange);

  function filterChange() {
    // get chart layout
    var chartLayout = MSLChart.getChart().getChartLayoutInterface();

    // get y-axis bounds
    var yAxisCoords = {min: null, max: null};
    var lineIndex = 0;
    var boundsLine = chartLayout.getBoundingBox('line#' + lineIndex);
   try {
    do {
      yAxisCoords.max = yAxisCoords.max || boundsLine.top;
      yAxisCoords.max = Math.min(yAxisCoords.max, boundsLine.top);
      yAxisCoords.min = yAxisCoords.min || (boundsLine.top + boundsLine.height);
      yAxisCoords.min = Math.max(yAxisCoords.min, (boundsLine.top + boundsLine.height));
      boundsLine = chartLayout.getBoundingBox('line#' + lineIndex);
    } while (boundsLine !== null);
     catch (error) {alert("Please choose a start year less than or equal to 2018");
    var state = YearPicker.getState();
      var EndYear = state.highValue;
    // re-draw chart
    MSLChart.setOption('vAxis.viewWindow.max', chartLayout.getVAxisValue(yAxisCoords.max));
    MSLChart.setOption('vAxis.viewWindow.min', chartLayout.getVAxisValue(yAxisCoords.min));
    MSLChart.setOption('hAxis.viewWindow.max', EndYear);
    google.visualization.events.addOneTimeListener(MSLChart.getChart(), 'ready', filterChange);

  var dashboard = new google.visualization.Dashboard(
  ).bind(YearPicker, MSLChart).draw(data);
  <div id="dashboard_div">
    <div id="chart_div"></div>
    <div id="filter_div"></div>

更改 do...while 语句,

do {
  yAxisCoords.max = yAxisCoords.max || boundsLine.top;
  yAxisCoords.max = Math.min(yAxisCoords.max, boundsLine.top);
  yAxisCoords.min = yAxisCoords.min || (boundsLine.top + boundsLine.height);
  yAxisCoords.min = Math.max(yAxisCoords.min, (boundsLine.top + boundsLine.height));
  boundsLine = chartLayout.getBoundingBox('line#' + lineIndex);
} while (boundsLine !== null);

只是一个 while 语句

while (boundsLine !== null) {
  yAxisCoords.max = yAxisCoords.max || boundsLine.top;
  yAxisCoords.max = Math.min(yAxisCoords.max, boundsLine.top);
  yAxisCoords.min = yAxisCoords.min || (boundsLine.top + boundsLine.height);
  yAxisCoords.min = Math.max(yAxisCoords.min, (boundsLine.top + boundsLine.height));
  boundsLine = chartLayout.getBoundingBox('line#' + lineIndex);

do...while 假定总会至少绘制一条线。

我们无法阻止用户选择超过 2018 年的开始年份,

google.visualization.events.addListener(YearPicker, 'statechange', function () {
  var state = YearPicker.getState();
  state.lowValue = Math.min(2018, state.lowValue);
    lowValue: state.lowValue,
    highValue: state.highValue


google.charts.load('current', {
  packages: ['controls']

function initialize() {
  var query = new google.visualization.Query('https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vn1iuhsG33XzFrC4QwkTdUnxOGdcPQOj-cuaEZeX-eA/edit#gid=0');

function drawDashboard(response) {

  var data = response.getDataTable();
  //Asign units of 'mm' to data.
  var formatMS = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({
    pattern: '# mm'

  // format data into mm.
  for (var colIndex = 1; colIndex < data.getNumberOfColumns(); colIndex++) {
    formatMS.format(data, colIndex);
  var YearPicker = new google.visualization.ControlWrapper({
    controlType: 'NumberRangeFilter',
    containerId: 'filter_div',
    options: {
      maxValue: 2120,
      filterColumnLabel: 'Year',
      ui: {
        cssClass: 'filter-date',
        format: {pattern: '0000'},
        labelStacking: 'vertical',
        allowTyping: false,
        allowMultiple: false
    state: {lowValue: 1904, highValue: 2018},

  google.visualization.events.addListener(YearPicker, 'statechange', function () {
    var state = YearPicker.getState();
    state.lowValue = Math.min(2018, state.lowValue);
      lowValue: state.lowValue,
      highValue: state.highValue

  var MSLChart = new google.visualization.ChartWrapper({
    chartType: 'LineChart',
    containerId: 'chart_div',
    dataTable: data,
    options: {
      fontSize: '14',
      title: 'Timbucktoo Annual Mean Sea Level Summary',
      hAxis: {title: 'Year', format: '0000'},
      vAxis: {title: 'Height above Chart Datum (mm)', format:'###0'},
      height: 600,
      chartArea: {height: '81%', width: '85%', left: 100},
      legend: {position: 'in', alignment: 'end', textStyle: {fontSize: 13}},
      colors: ['blue'],
      trendlines: {
        0: {
          type: 'polynomial',
          degree: 2,
          color: 'green',
          visibleInLegend: true,
        1: {
          type: 'linear',
          color: 'black',
          visibleInLegend: true,
      series: {
        0: { visibleInLegend: true },
        1: { visibleInLegend: false },
    view: {columns: [0,1,2]}

  google.visualization.events.addOneTimeListener(MSLChart, 'ready', filterChange);

  function filterChange() {
    // get chart layout
    var chartLayout = MSLChart.getChart().getChartLayoutInterface();

    // get y-axis bounds
    var yAxisCoords = {min: null, max: null};
    var lineIndex = 0;
    var boundsLine = chartLayout.getBoundingBox('line#' + lineIndex);

    while (boundsLine !== null) {
      yAxisCoords.max = yAxisCoords.max || boundsLine.top;
      yAxisCoords.max = Math.min(yAxisCoords.max, boundsLine.top);
      yAxisCoords.min = yAxisCoords.min || (boundsLine.top + boundsLine.height);
      yAxisCoords.min = Math.max(yAxisCoords.min, (boundsLine.top + boundsLine.height));
      boundsLine = chartLayout.getBoundingBox('line#' + lineIndex);

    var state = YearPicker.getState();
    var EndYear = state.highValue;

    // re-draw chart
    MSLChart.setOption('vAxis.viewWindow.max', chartLayout.getVAxisValue(yAxisCoords.max));
    MSLChart.setOption('vAxis.viewWindow.min', chartLayout.getVAxisValue(yAxisCoords.min));
    MSLChart.setOption('hAxis.viewWindow.max', EndYear);
    google.visualization.events.addOneTimeListener(MSLChart.getChart(), 'ready', filterChange);

  var dashboard = new google.visualization.Dashboard(
  ).bind(YearPicker, MSLChart).draw(data);
<script src="https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js"></script>
<div id="dashboard_div">
  <div id="chart_div"></div>
  <div id="filter_div"></div>


但我们可以在 'onmouseover' 事件期间手动更改它。


  tooltip: {
    isHtml: true

然后将 'onmouseover' 事件添加到图表中,
我们可以在包装器的 'ready' 事件中执行此操作。

google.visualization.events.addOneTimeListener(MSLChart, 'ready', function () {
  google.visualization.events.addListener(MSLChart.getChart(), 'onmouseover', function (props) {
    // ensure trendline tooltip
    if ((props.column === 0) && (props.row !== null)) {
      // get year value
      var year = MSLChart.getDataTable().getValue(props.row, 0);

      // get tooltip, remove width
      var tooltip = MSLChart.getChart().getContainer().getElementsByTagName('ul');
      tooltip[0].parentNode.style.width = null;

      // get tooltip labels
      var tooltipLabels = MSLChart.getChart().getContainer().getElementsByTagName('span');

      // set year
      tooltipLabels[0].innerHTML = year;

      // remove formula
      tooltipLabels[1].innerHTML = '';

      // set height value
      var height = parseFloat(tooltipLabels[2].innerHTML.split(' ')[2].replace(',', '')).toFixed(0);
      tooltipLabels[2].innerHTML = height + ' mm';


google.charts.load('current', {
  packages: ['controls']

function initialize() {
  var query = new google.visualization.Query('https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vn1iuhsG33XzFrC4QwkTdUnxOGdcPQOj-cuaEZeX-eA/edit#gid=0');

function drawDashboard(response) {

  var data = response.getDataTable();
  //Asign units of 'mm' to data.
  var formatMS = new google.visualization.NumberFormat({
    pattern: '# mm'

  // format data into mm.
  for (var colIndex = 1; colIndex < data.getNumberOfColumns(); colIndex++) {
    formatMS.format(data, colIndex);
  var YearPicker = new google.visualization.ControlWrapper({
    controlType: 'NumberRangeFilter',
    containerId: 'filter_div',
    options: {
      maxValue: 2120,
      filterColumnLabel: 'Year',
      ui: {
        cssClass: 'filter-date',
        format: {pattern: '0000'},
        labelStacking: 'vertical',
        allowTyping: false,
        allowMultiple: false
    state: {lowValue: 1904, highValue: 2018},

  google.visualization.events.addListener(YearPicker, 'statechange', function () {
    var state = YearPicker.getState();
    state.lowValue = Math.min(2018, state.lowValue);
      lowValue: state.lowValue,
      highValue: state.highValue

  var MSLChart = new google.visualization.ChartWrapper({
    chartType: 'LineChart',
    containerId: 'chart_div',
    dataTable: data,
    options: {
      fontSize: '14',
      title: 'Timbucktoo Annual Mean Sea Level Summary',
      hAxis: {title: 'Year', format: '0000'},
      vAxis: {title: 'Height above Chart Datum (mm)', format:'###0'},
      height: 600,
      chartArea: {height: '81%', width: '85%', left: 100},
      legend: {position: 'in', alignment: 'end', textStyle: {fontSize: 13}},
      colors: ['blue'],
      tooltip: {
        isHtml: true
      trendlines: {
        0: {
          type: 'polynomial',
          degree: 2,
          color: 'green',
          visibleInLegend: true,
        1: {
          type: 'linear',
          color: 'black',
          visibleInLegend: true,
      series: {
        0: { visibleInLegend: true },
        1: { visibleInLegend: false },
    view: {columns: [0,1,2]}

  google.visualization.events.addOneTimeListener(MSLChart, 'ready', filterChange);

  function filterChange() {
    // get chart layout
    var chartLayout = MSLChart.getChart().getChartLayoutInterface();

    // get y-axis bounds
    var yAxisCoords = {min: null, max: null};
    var lineIndex = 0;
    var boundsLine = chartLayout.getBoundingBox('line#' + lineIndex);

    while (boundsLine !== null) {
      yAxisCoords.max = yAxisCoords.max || boundsLine.top;
      yAxisCoords.max = Math.min(yAxisCoords.max, boundsLine.top);
      yAxisCoords.min = yAxisCoords.min || (boundsLine.top + boundsLine.height);
      yAxisCoords.min = Math.max(yAxisCoords.min, (boundsLine.top + boundsLine.height));
      boundsLine = chartLayout.getBoundingBox('line#' + lineIndex);

    var state = YearPicker.getState();
    var EndYear = state.highValue;

    // re-draw chart
    MSLChart.setOption('vAxis.viewWindow.max', chartLayout.getVAxisValue(yAxisCoords.max));
    MSLChart.setOption('vAxis.viewWindow.min', chartLayout.getVAxisValue(yAxisCoords.min));
    MSLChart.setOption('hAxis.viewWindow.max', EndYear);
    google.visualization.events.addOneTimeListener(MSLChart.getChart(), 'ready', filterChange);

  google.visualization.events.addOneTimeListener(MSLChart, 'ready', function () {
    google.visualization.events.addListener(MSLChart.getChart(), 'onmouseover', function (props) {
      // ensure trendline tooltip
      if ((props.column === 0) && (props.row !== null)) {
        var year = MSLChart.getDataTable().getValue(props.row, 0);

        // get tooltip, remove width
        var tooltip = MSLChart.getChart().getContainer().getElementsByTagName('ul');
        tooltip[0].parentNode.style.width = null;

        // get tooltip labels
        var tooltipLabels = MSLChart.getChart().getContainer().getElementsByTagName('span');

        // set year
        tooltipLabels[0].innerHTML = year;

        // remove formula
        tooltipLabels[1].innerHTML = '';

        // set height
        var height = parseFloat(tooltipLabels[2].innerHTML.split(' ')[2].replace(',', '')).toFixed(0);
        tooltipLabels[2].innerHTML = height + ' mm';

  var dashboard = new google.visualization.Dashboard(
  ).bind(YearPicker, MSLChart).draw(data);
<script src="https://www.gstatic.com/charts/loader.js"></script>
<div id="dashboard_div">
  <div id="chart_div"></div>
  <div id="filter_div"></div>