
Hyphenation algorithm using Bloom filter

Bloom 过滤器大放异彩的经典示例是 hyphenation algorithms. It's even the example given in the original paper on Bloom filters



Bloom 过滤器是否同时包含 hyph-enationhyphena-tion,并且客户端代码会查询 h-yphenationhy-phenationhyp-henation 的过滤器。 ..?


Analysis of Hyphenation Sample Application

[...] Let us assume that there are about 500,000 words to be hyphenated by the program and that 450,000 of these words can be hyphenated by application of a few simple rules. The other 50,000 words require reference to a dictionary. It is reasonable to estimate that at least 19 bits would, on the average, be required to represent each of these 50,000 words using a conventional hash-coding method. If we assume that a time factor of T = 4 is acceptable, we find from eq. (9) that the hash area would be 2,000,000 bits in size. This might very well be too large for a practical core contained hash area. By using method 2 with an allowable error frequency of, say, P = 1/16, and using the smallest possible hash area by having T = 2, we see from eq. (22) that the problem can be solved with a hash area of less than 300,000 bits, a size which would very likely be suitable for a core hash area. With a choice for P of 1/16, an access would be required to the disk resident dictionary for approximately 50,000 + 450,000/16 ~ 78,000 of the 500,000 words to be hyphenated, i.e. for approximately 16 percent of the cases. This constitutes a reduction of 84 percent in the number of disk accesses from those required in a typical conventional approach using a completely disk resident hash area and dictionary.


  • 字典存储在磁盘上,包含所有连字符正确的单词,
  • 布隆过滤器只包含需要特殊连字符的键,例如也许 hyphenation 本身,
  • 布隆过滤器响应 "probably" 或 "no"。


word = "hyphenation"; (or some other word)
x = bloomFilter.probablyContains(word);
if (x == "probably") {
} else {
    // x == "no" case

如果布隆过滤器以 "probably" 响应,则算法必须在字典中读取磁盘。

如果实际上没有特殊规则,Bloom 过滤器有时会响应 "probably",在这种情况下磁盘 I/O 是不必要的。但只要这种情况不会经常发生就可以了(误报率很低,例如 1/16)。

Bloom 过滤器,因为它没有假阴性,永远不会用 "no" 响应 特殊连字符的情况。