Python3 中列表的自然排序

Natural sorting of a list in Python3


    '[fc] EDW Ratio (10 degrees)', 
    ' [fc] EDW Ratio (45 degrees)', 
    ' [fc] EDW Ratio (60 degrees)', 
    ' [fc] EDW Ratio (25 degrees)', 
    ' [fc] EDW Ratio (20 degrees)', 
    ' [fc] EDW Ratio (30 degrees)', 
    ' [fc] EDW Ratio (15 degrees)', 
    ' [fc] EDW output factor (60 degrees)', 
    ' [fc] Quality index'



    ' [fc] EDW Ratio (15 degrees)', 
    ' [fc] EDW Ratio (20 degrees)', 
    ' [fc] EDW Ratio (25 degrees)', 
    ' [fc] EDW Ratio (30 degrees)', 
    ' [fc] EDW Ratio (45 degrees)', 
    ' [fc] EDW Ratio (60 degrees)', 
    ' [fc] EDW output factor (60 degrees)', 
    ' [fc] Quality index', 
    '[fc] EDW Ratio (10 degrees)'

而我希望 EDW 比率(10 度) 在排序后结束在列表的开头(索引位置 0) .



# Method to define natural sorting used to sort lists
def atoi(text):
    return int(text) if text.isdigit() else text

def natural_keys(text):
    alist.sort(key=natural_keys) sorts in human order
    (See Toothy's implementation in the comments)
    return [ atoi(c) for c in re.split(r'(\d+)', text) ]


    tname_list = test_names.split(",") # this outputs the exact first (unsorted) list shown above

    tname_list.sort(key=natural_keys) # use human sorting defined above. This outputs the second list shown above.

您需要将 natural_keys 修改为仅 return 字符串的数字部分作为 int。您应该使用 int() 进行转换,而不是 atoi(),后者 return 是字符的 ascii 代码。


如果数据没有问题,我建议您修改代码以忽略前导空格(检查:How do I remove leading whitespace in Python?)。

如果您的任何字符串包含多个数字,或者将数字放在字符串的开头或结尾,您将 运行 陷入困境。那是因为 Python 无法将 intstr 相互比较。您的关键函数应该 return 既是元组又是列表。

def atoi(text):
    return (int(text), '') if text.isdigit() else (math.nan, text)


我建议使用 natsort(完全公开,我是作者)。您的数据也有点乱,您需要删除前导空格以规范化所有条目。

from natsort import natsorted
data = [
    '[fc] EDW Ratio (10 degrees)', 
    ' [fc] EDW Ratio (45 degrees)', 
    ' [fc] EDW Ratio (60 degrees)', 
    ' [fc] EDW Ratio (25 degrees)', 
    ' [fc] EDW Ratio (20 degrees)', 
    ' [fc] EDW Ratio (30 degrees)', 
    ' [fc] EDW Ratio (15 degrees)', 
    ' [fc] EDW output factor (60 degrees)', 
    ' [fc] Quality index'
data_sorted = natsorted(data, key=lambda x: x.lstrip())


 '[fc] EDW Ratio (10 degrees)',
 ' [fc] EDW Ratio (15 degrees)',
 ' [fc] EDW Ratio (20 degrees)',
 ' [fc] EDW Ratio (25 degrees)',
 ' [fc] EDW Ratio (30 degrees)',
 ' [fc] EDW Ratio (45 degrees)',
 ' [fc] EDW Ratio (60 degrees)',
 ' [fc] EDW output factor (60 degrees)',
 ' [fc] Quality index',
import re

def get_numbers(texto):
    return int(re.findall(r'[0-9]+', texto)[0])
def sort_list(l):
    dicto = {}
    for i in l:
        dicto[get_numbers(i)] = i
    lista = []
    for i in sorted(list(dicto.keys())):
    return lista


请注意,它仅适用于第一个数字系列......“peter123jjj111”将仅考虑 123