Python 拟合任意高斯函数 - 拟合不佳?

Python Fit Arbitrary Gaussian Functions - Bad Fits?

我正在尝试概括一些代码,以便能够在单个数据集中适应多个(n 从 1 到 >10)高斯 curves/peaks。

使用 Scipy 优化 Curve_fit 当我对 1-3 个高斯函数进行硬编码时,我可以得到非常好的拟合,并且我已经成功地生成了 运行 没有错误的函数对于泛化,任意数量的高斯。但是,输出拟合非常差。尽管给出了与用于生成 'raw' 数据的输入参数相同的输入参数,但这是最佳情况。



import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy 
import scipy.optimize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import gridspec

amp1 = 1
cen1 = 1
sigma1 = 0.05


def _ngaussian(x, amps,cens,sigmas):
    fn = 0
    if len(amps)== len(cens)== len(sigmas):
        for i in range(len(amps)):
            fn = fn+amps[i]*(1/(sigmas[i]*(np.sqrt(2*np.pi))))*\
        print('Your inputs have unequal lengths')
    return fn

amps = [1,1.1,0.9]
cens = [1,2,1.7]

popt_peaks = [amps,cens,sigmas]
df['peaks'] = _ngaussian(df.index, *popt_peaks)

# Optionally adding noise to the raw data
#noise = np.random.normal(0,0.1,len(df['peaks'])) 
#df['peaks'] = df['peaks']+noise

def wrapper_fit_func(x, *args):
    N = len(args)
    a, b, c = list(args[0][:N]),list(args[0][N:N*2]),list(args[0][2*N:3*N])
    return _ngaussian(x, a, b, c)

def unwrapper_fit_func(x, *args):
    N = int(len(args)/3)
    a, b, c = list(args[:N]),list(args[N:N*2]),list(args[2*N:3*N])
    return _ngaussian(x, a, b, c)

popt_fitpeaks, pcov_fitpeaks = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(lambda x, *popt_peaks: wrapper_fit_func(x, popt_peaks), 
                       df.index, df['peaks'], p0=popt_peaks,

df['peaks_fit'] = unwrapper_fit_func(df.index, *popt_fitpeaks)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8))
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1,1)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0])
ax1.plot(df.index, df['peaks'], "b",label='ideal data')
ax1.plot(df.index, df['peaks_fit'], "g",label='fit data')
ax1.legend(loc='upper right')

如果您感兴趣,上下文是分析化学、核磁共振 (NMR) 和傅里叶变换离子回旋共振质谱 (FTICR MS) 信号处理。

您可能会发现 lmfit,披露:我是主要作者)对此很有用。它提供了一个易于使用的模型 class 用于建模数据,包括高斯、Voigt 和类似线形的内置模型,可以轻松比较模型函数。

可以添加(或叠加)Lmfit 模型来制作复合模型,从而轻松支持 1、2、3 等高斯分布,并包含不同的基线函数。上面的 link 中有文档和几个示例。对您的示例进行少量重写(包括添加一些噪音)可能如下所示:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from lmfit.models import GaussianModel

amp1 = 1
cen1 = 1
sigma1 = 0.05


def _ngaussian(x, amps,cens,sigmas):
    fn = 0
    if len(amps)== len(cens)== len(sigmas):
        for i in range(len(amps)):
            fn = fn+amps[i]*(1/(sigmas[i]*(np.sqrt(2*np.pi))))*\
            fn = fn+np.random.normal(size=len(x), scale=0.05)
        print('Your inputs have unequal lengths')
    return fn

amps = [1.30, 0.92, 2.11]
cens = [1.10, 1.73, 2.06]
sigmas=[0.05, 0.09, 0.07]

popt_peaks = [amps,cens,sigmas]
df['peaks'] = _ngaussian(df.index, *popt_peaks)

# create a model with 3 Gaussians: pretty easy to generalize
# to a loop to make N peaks
model = (GaussianModel(prefix='p1_') +
         GaussianModel(prefix='p2_') +
         GaussianModel(prefix='p3_') )

# create Parameters (named from function arguments). For
# Gaussian, Lorentzian, Voigt, etc these are "center", "amplitude", "sigma"
params = model.make_params(p1_center=1.0, p1_amplitude=2, p1_sigma=0.1,
                           p2_center=1.5, p2_amplitude=2, p2_sigma=0.1,
                           p3_center=2.0, p3_amplitude=2, p3_sigma=0.1)

# Parameters can have min/max bounds, be fixed (`.vary = False`)
# or constrained to a mathematical expression of other Parameter values
params['p1_center'].min = 0.8
params['p1_center'].max = 1.5

params['p2_center'].min = 1.1
params['p2_center'].max = 1.9

params['p3_center'].min = 1.88
params['p3_center'].max = 3.00

# run the fit
result =['peaks'], params, x=df.index)

# print out the fit results

# plot results
plt.plot(df.index, df['peaks'],     'o', label='data')
plt.plot(df.index, result.best_fit, '-', label='fit')
plt.gca().set_xlim(0, 3)



    ((Model(gaussian, prefix='p1_') + Model(gaussian, prefix='p2_')) + Model(gaussian, prefix='p3_'))
[[Fit Statistics]]
    # fitting method   = leastsq
    # function evals   = 102
    # data points      = 1000
    # variables        = 9
    chi-square         = 6.88439024
    reduced chi-square = 0.00694691
    Akaike info crit   = -4960.49871
    Bayesian info crit = -4916.32892
    p1_amplitude:  1.29432022 +/- 0.00428720 (0.33%) (init = 2)
    p1_center:     1.09993745 +/- 1.9012e-04 (0.02%) (init = 1)
    p1_sigma:      0.04970776 +/- 1.9012e-04 (0.38%) (init = 0.1)
    p2_amplitude:  0.91875183 +/- 0.00604913 (0.66%) (init = 2)
    p2_center:     1.73039597 +/- 6.7594e-04 (0.04%) (init = 1.5)
    p2_sigma:      0.09054027 +/- 7.0994e-04 (0.78%) (init = 0.1)
    p3_amplitude:  2.10077395 +/- 0.00533617 (0.25%) (init = 2)
    p3_center:     2.06019332 +/- 2.0105e-04 (0.01%) (init = 2)
    p3_sigma:      0.06970239 +/- 2.0752e-04 (0.30%) (init = 0.1)
    p1_fwhm:       0.11705282 +/- 4.4770e-04 (0.38%) == '2.3548200*p1_sigma'
    p1_height:     10.3878975 +/- 0.03440799 (0.33%) == '0.3989423*p1_amplitude/max(2.220446049250313e-16, p1_sigma)'
    p2_fwhm:       0.21320604 +/- 0.00167179 (0.78%) == '2.3548200*p2_sigma'
    p2_height:     4.04824243 +/- 0.02582408 (0.64%) == '0.3989423*p2_amplitude/max(2.220446049250313e-16, p2_sigma)'
    p3_fwhm:       0.16413657 +/- 4.8866e-04 (0.30%) == '2.3548200*p3_sigma'
    p3_height:     12.0238006 +/- 0.02922330 (0.24%) == '0.3989423*p3_amplitude/max(2.220446049250313e-16, p3_sigma)'
[[Correlations]] (unreported correlations are < 0.100)
    C(p3_amplitude, p3_sigma)     =  0.622
    C(p2_amplitude, p2_sigma)     =  0.621
    C(p1_amplitude, p1_sigma)     =  0.577
    C(p2_sigma, p3_sigma)         = -0.299
    C(p2_sigma, p3_amplitude)     = -0.271
    C(p2_amplitude, p3_sigma)     = -0.239
    C(p2_sigma, p3_center)        =  0.226
    C(p2_amplitude, p3_amplitude) = -0.210
    C(p2_center, p3_sigma)        = -0.192
    C(p2_amplitude, p3_center)    =  0.171
    C(p2_center, p3_amplitude)    = -0.160
    C(p2_center, p3_center)       =  0.126