Pry 中的 ls 命令如何接受 -l 作为参数?

How is the ls command in Pry able to accept -l as an argument?

我最近发现 ls in pry 可以采用这样的参数:ls -l

我最初的问题是 -l 部分实际上是什么 - 它显然不是字符串或符号,并且没有定义局部变量或方法 l,所以还有其他事情要做在幕后?

作为我的问题的扩展,ls 只是 pry 定义的 "normal" Ruby 方法,还是它的行为略有不同?

我还注意到,如果传递字符串 (ls 'l') 或符号 (ls :l),则会得到不同的输出。是否有可能选项的完整参考?

传递 -l 有效,因为 pry_eval 方法将整行计算为字符串。从那里它匹配现有命令的开头并将其余部分提取为要传递的选项。来自 Pry 文档:

Nearly every piece of functionality in a Pry session is implemented as a command. Commands are not methods and must start at the beginning of a line, with no whitespace in between. Commands support a flexible syntax and allow 'options' in the same way as shell commands

您可以通过 运行 ls -h 查看完整的选项列表。这将 return:

-m, --methods               Show public methods defined on the Object (default)
-M, --instance-methods      Show methods defined in a Module or Class
-p, --ppp                   Show public, protected (in yellow) and private (in green) methods
-q, --quiet                 Show only methods defined on object.singleton_class and object.class
-v, --verbose               Show methods and constants on all super-classes (ignores
-g, --globals               Show global variables, including those builtin to Ruby (in cyan)
-l, --locals                Show locals, including those provided by Pry (in red)
-c, --constants             Show constants, highlighting classes (in blue), and exceptions (in purple)
-i, --ivars                 Show instance variables (in blue) and class variables (in bright blue)
-G, --grep                  Filter output by regular expression
-h, --help                  Show this message.