使用 Robot 撰写关键字

Compose keywords with Robot

假设我有一个 Python 库来操作博客文章:

class BlogPost(object):
    def __init__(self):
    def create_a_blog_post(self):
    def add_category(self, category):
    def add_title(self, title):


*** Test Cases ***
Create post with category
    Create a blog post with category "myCategory"
Create post with title
    Create a blog post with title "myTitle"
Create post with both
    Create a blog post with category "myCategory" and title "myTitle"

我是否应该为只有类别、只有标题或两者都创建单独的用户关键字?或者有没有办法在关键字中添加任意数量的 "modifiers"?


*** Keywords ***
Create a blog post with category
    Create a blog post
    Add category  <-- How do I pass the blog post I just created to "Add category"


我会创建一个名为 "create a blog post" 的关键字,然后根据您的喜好传递关键字参数或 key/value 对。


*** Test Cases ***
Create post with category
    Create a blog post  category  myCategory

Create post with title
    Create a blog post  title  myTitle

Create post with both
    Create a blog post
    ...  category  myCategory
    ...  title     myTitle

我更喜欢 key/value 对而不是关键字参数,因为它可以让您排列键和值,如 "both" 示例中所示。如果您更喜欢关键字参数,它可能看起来像这样:

Create post with category
    Create a blog post  category=myCategory

Create post with title
    Create a blog post  title=myTitle

Create post with both
    Create a blog post  
    ...  category=myCategory  
    ...  title=myTitle

实现只需要在 name/value 对的情况下成对地遍历参数,或者遍历关键字参数。

Also, how would one create such keyword, if we have to pass the result of one keyword to another:


Create another blog post
    ${post}=  Create a blog post
    Add blog post category  ${post}  thisCategory
    Add blog post category  ${post}  thatCategory

或者,一种稍微更程序化的方法是 Create a blog post 到 return 具有添加类别方法的对象,然后您可以使用 Call Method 调用该对象的方法:

Create another blog post
    ${post}=  Create a blog post
    Call method  ${post}  add_category  thisCategory
    Call method  ${post}  add_category  thatCategory

    Add blog post category  ${post}  thisCategory
    Add blog post category  ${post}  thatCategory