如何根据使用 C、PIC16 和 PIC 开发板按下的按钮改变 LED 方向?

How to change led direction depending on button pressed using C, PIC16 and PIC development board?

我创建了一个程序来根据在端口 a 和端口 b 上按下哪个按钮来切换 LED 灯,因为当在端口 A 上按下按钮时 LED 会从左向右或从右向左闪烁。 当按下按钮 3 时,led 开始从左向右弹跳并重置并继续做同样的事情。当按下按钮 0 时,它会反转方向并从右向左移动。 当按下按钮 4 时,它再次反转方向,现在它从左向右移动。 我的问题是,一旦按下按钮 4,我就无法通过按下按钮 0 再次反转方向。我将如何修改代码以使其工作? 使用PIC16F877A和pic开发板

#include <system.h>

void delay(int j) {
int i;
int x = 8600;
while (j != 0) {
    for (i = x; i != 0; i--);

void main() {

trisb = 0; // sets all bits in port B as outputs
adcon1 = 0x06; // sets port A as digital inputs
while (1) // creates infinite loop

    if ((porta & 0x8)) { // Switch 3 - Left bounces from left to right and right to left

        portb = 0x80;

        while (1) {
            while ((portb != 0)) { // Shifts LED from left to right as long as LED 0 is not active
                portb = portb >> 1;

                if ((portb == 0)) { // When LED 0 is lit, it resets to LED 7
                    portb = 0x80;

                if ((porta & 0x1)) { // If SA0 is pressed, LED shifting direction will reverse (right to left)
                    while ((portb != 0x80)) {
                        portb = portb << 1;
                        if ((portb == 0x80)) {
                            portb = 0x1;
                        if ((porta & 0x10)) { // If SA4 is pressed, LED shifting direction will reverse (left to right)
                            while ((portb != 0)) {
                                portb = portb >> 1;
                                if ((portb == 0)) {
                                    portb = 0x80;









void shiftRight() {

char value;
value = 0x80;

for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
    portb = value;
    value = value >> 1;


void shiftLeft() {

char value;
value = 0x1;

for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
    portb = value;
    value = value << 1;

编辑 2:

#include <system.h>

void delay(int j) {
int i;
int x = 8600;
while (j != 0) {
    for (i = x; i != 0; i--);

void shiftRight() {

char value = 0b10000000;

for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
    portb = value;
    value = value >> 1;


void shiftLeft() {

char value = 0b00000001;

for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
    portb = value;
    value = value << 1;

void main() {

trisb = 0; // sets all bits in port B as outputs
adcon1 = 0x06; // sets port A as digital inputs

int movingRight = 1; //which way the led is moving - 0 = left, 1 = right

// creates infinite loop

    if(movingRight == 1)
        //led is moving right   

        if((porta & 0b00000001) && portb == 0b00000001) /*right button is pressed AND led is at the far right*/ 
            //flip direction
            movingRight = 0;
        //led is moving left

        if((porta&  0b00010000) && portb == 0b10000000) /*left button is pressed AND led is at the left right*/
            //flip direction
            movingRight = 1;

使用状态变量来跟踪 LED 是否应该弹跳、向左移动或向右移动,并使用没有任何嵌套 while 循环的单个 while 循环。每次通过循环你都会延迟一段时间,然后根据变量向左或向右移动 LED,然后检查按钮的状态,相应地设置状态变量。就像 Weather Vane 所说的那样,将 LED 模式也保持在变量中是个好主意。

可能的 Python-like 伪代码为

state = 0  # 0 = LEDs off
           # 1 = LEDs bounce left
           # 2 = LEDs bounce right
           # 3 = LEDs cycle left
           # 4 = LEDs cycle right
led_pattern = 0x00 

while True:
    set_leds(led_pattern)          # portb = led_pattern


    # Update led_pattern according to the current state

    if state == 1 or state == 3:   # bounce or cycle left
        led_pattern <<= 1          
        if led_pattern & 0xFF == 0x00:
            if state == 1:         # bounce
                led_pattern = 0x40
                state = 2          # start bouncing right
                led_pattern = 0x01

    if state == 2 or state == 4:   # bounce or cycle right
        led_pattern >>= 1          
        if led_pattern == 0x00:
            if state == 2:         # bounce
                led_pattern = 0x02
                state = 1          # start bouncing left
                led_pattern = 0x80

    # Check the buttons and change state if necesssary

    if button_3_pressed():         # porta & 0x08
        if state == 1 or state == 3:
             state = 1             # continue moving left if already moving left
             if state == 0: 
                 led_pattern = 0x80  
             state = 2             # otherwise start moving LEDs to the right

    if button_0_pressed():         # porta & 0x01
        state = 3                  # start cycling left

    if button_3_pressed():         # porta & 0x10
        state = 4                  # start cycling right

程序从 state 变量设置为 0 开始,led_pattern 变量设置为 0x00。在状态 0 中,循环不会改变 led_pattern,因此它始终保持 0x00,保持所有 LED 关闭。然而,它正在检查按钮的状态,如果按下其中任何一个按钮,它将更改状态变量的值。

在状态 0 下按下按钮 3 会导致 state 变量更改为 2 并且 led_pattern 变量设置为 0x80 .在状态 2 中,循环的每次迭代都会向右移动 led_pattern 一位。当这导致 led_pattern 变为 0 时,它 "bounces" 将 led_pattern 设置为 0x02(因为它在循环开始时为 0x01),并将 state 变量更改为 1。在状态 1 中, led_pattern 变量向左移动,一旦它 "bounces" 状态变回 2.

在任何状态下按下按钮 1 都会导致 state 变量更改为 3。在此状态下,led_pattern 变量在循环的每次迭代期间向左移动,就像在状态 1 中一样,但不是 "bouncing",而是 "cycles"。由于这不会改变 LED 应该移动的方向,因此状态保持 3 并且仅更新 led_pattern。同样,按下按钮 4 会将状态更改为 4,其中 LED 向右循环。

现在从你的问题中不能完全清楚这是否真的是你想要你的代码做的。例如,在检查按钮之前,它不会等到移动的 LED 到达其移动的终点。你可以随时按下一个按钮,它会导致 LED 立即开始向指示的方向移动。

无论如何,您应该能够了解如何仅使用一个 while 循环和一两个状态变量来实现您想要的任何行为。