Strtol 没有 return 正确的 endptr - C

Strtol doesn't return the correct endptr - C

我必须从文件行中解析数据,为此我现在正在使用 strtol() 函数。

例如,我在文本文件中有这一行:1 abc


现在,当我以这种方式使用 strtol 时:

    FILE *fs;
    fs = fopen("file.txt", "r");
    char* ptr = NULL; // In case we have string except for the amount
    char lineInput[1024]; // The max line size is 1024
    fscanf(fs, "%s", lineInput);
    long numberOfVer = strtol(lineInput, &ptr, BASE);
    printf("%lu\n%s\n", numberOfVer, ptr); // Here I test the values, I expect to get 1 followed by newline and abc
    if (numberOfVer == 0 || *ptr != '[=11=]') { // Not a positive number or there exists something after the amount!
        fprintf(stderr, INVALID_IN);
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

但是,ptr 字符串不是 "abc" 或“abc”,它是一个空字符串... 这是为什么?根据文档,它必须是“abc”。

scanf("%s") 跳过空格。因此,如果您有输入 "1 abc" 并使用

fscanf(fs, "%s", lineInput);

lineInput 内容最终为 "1",其余字符串保留在输入缓冲区中,为下一次输入操作做好准备。


    FILE *fs;
    fs = fopen("file.txt", "r");
    char* ptr = NULL; // In case we have string except for the amount
    char lineInput[1024]; // The max line size is 1024
    // using fgets rather than fscanf
    fgets(lineInput, sizeof lineInput, fs);
    long numberOfVer = strtol(lineInput, &ptr, BASE);
    printf("%ld\n%s\n", numberOfVer, ptr); // Here I test the values, I expect to get 1 followed by newline and abc
    //      ^^^ numberOfVer is signed
    if (numberOfVer == 0 || *ptr != '[=11=]') { // Not a positive number or there exists something after the amount!
        fprintf(stderr, INVALID_IN);
        return EXIT_FAILURE;