javascript 中实例化 QWebChannel 对象时的警告

Warnings when instantiating QWebChannel object in javascript

我有一个使用 QWebChannel 创建 google 地图实例的小部件。在 javascript 中实例化 QWebChannel 时出现几个警告:

Property 'accessibleName'' of object 'MapWindow' has no notify signal and is not constant, value updates in HTML will be broken!
Property 'accessibleDescription'' of object 'MapWindow' has no notify signal and is not constant, value updates in HTML will be broken!
Property 'layoutDirection'' of object 'MapWindow' has no notify signal and is not constant, value updates in HTML will be broken!
Property 'autoFillBackground'' of object 'MapWindow' has no notify signal and is not constant, value updates in HTML will be broken!
Property 'styleSheet'' of object 'MapWindow' has no notify signal and is not constant, value updates in HTML will be broken!
Property 'locale'' of object 'MapWindow' has no notify signal and is not constant, value updates in HTML will be broken!
Property 'windowFilePath'' of object 'MapWindow' has no notify signal and is not constant, value updates in HTML will be broken!
Property 'inputMethodHints'' of object 'MapWindow' has no notify signal and is not constant, value updates in HTML will be broken!
var backend = null;
new QWebChannel(qt.webChannelTransport, function(channel) {
    backend = channel.objects.backend;
    backend.getRef(function(ref) {
        backend.getCenter(function(center) {
                map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
                   center: center[0],
                   zoom: 10
self.mapView = QWebEngineView()
self.webchannel = QWebChannel(self.mapView)
self.webchannel.registerObject('backend', self)
current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
filename = os.path.join(current_dir, '.\Resources\index.html')

QWebChannel 将分析已注册对象的 q 属性,验证它们是否具有关联信号。在您的警告消息的情况下,我推断 "self" 是一个 QWidget,因此它有许多 q-properties,这些属性没有关联的信号指示错误。


  • 通过禁用 qInstallMessageHandler 消除错误消息:
QtCore.qInstallMessageHandler(lambda *args: None)
  • 不要使用 "self" 作为后端,而是使用 QObject
class Backend(QObject):
    # getRef, getCenter, getPoints
self.backend = Backend(self)
self.webchannel.registerObject('backend', self.backend)