使用类名根据道具值使用 CSS 动态设置组件样式

Using classnames to dynamically style component with CSS based on props value

我正在创建一组可重复使用的组件(包装 material-ui),它们正在使用 CSS 设置样式。我需要通过传入自定义按钮的道具动态设置组件的宽度。

我想使用类名来合并为 MyButton 定义的常量根样式(我已经在沙盒中剥离了它,但它设置了颜色、图标等)和可以根据传递的道具定义的动态 sizeStyle英寸

  const sizeStyle: JSON =  { minWidth: "300px !important"};

  //always apply the buttonstyle, only apply the size style if a width prop has been supplied
  const rootStyle: Object = classNames({
    buttonStyle: true,
    sizeStyle: props.width

我不明白为什么样式没有应用到页面上传递了道具的第一个按钮 - 我可以在控制台上看到应该应用这两种样式。

这里是沙盒: https://codesandbox.io/s/css-styling-custom-muibutton-width-as-prop-36w4r


您需要将 props 传递给您的 useStyles(props) 函数,然后在其中您可以像样式化组件一样使用 props

文档 link:https://material-ui.com/styles/basics/#adapting-based-on-props

// eslint-disable-next-line flowtype/no-weak-types
const useStyles = makeStyles({
  root: {
    //    minWidth: "300px !important",
    color: "#565656",
    backgroundColor: "salmon",
    borderRadius: 2,
    textTransform: "none",
    fontFamily: "Arial",
    fontSize: 16,
    letterSpacing: "89%", //'0.09em',
      "0px 1px 5px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.2), 0px 2px 2px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.14), 0px 3px 1px -2px rgba(0,0,0,0.12)",
    "&:disabled": {
      color: "#565656",
      opacity: 0.3,
      backgroundColor: "#fbb900"
    minWidth: props => `${props.width}px`,
  label: {
    textTransform: "capitalize",
    display: "flex",
    whiteSpace: "nowrap"

// eslint-disable-next-line flowtype/require-return-type
function MyButton(props) {
  const { children, ...others } = props;
  const classes = useStyles(props);

  return (
        root: classes.root,
        label: classes.label

