Python 如何创建一个文档矩阵,其中 (i,j) 个条目是术语索引

Python how to create a document matrix with (i,j) entries being term index



u"\n The Bechtel Group Inc. offered in 1985 to sell oil to Israel at a 
discount of at least 650 million for 10 years if it promised not to 
bomb a proposed Iraqi pipeline, a Foreign Ministry official said 
Wednesday. But then-Prime Minister Shimon Peres said the offer from 
Bruce Rappaport, a partner in the San Francisco-based construction and 
engineering company, was ``unimportant,'' the senior official told The 
Associated Press. Peres, now foreign minister, never discussed the 
offer with other government ministers, said the official, who spoke on 
condition of anonymity.

我希望得到一个矩阵,其中 x_{ij} 表示第 i 个文档中第 j 个定位词的术语索引。示例如下:

 Words W = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) # word indices for a dictionary of words

 # D := document words X = np.array([
   [0, 0, 1, 2, 2], # e.g., this row means 1st, and 2nd position is the first term in the dictionary, etc.
   [0, 0, 1, 1, 1],
   [0, 1, 2, 2, 2],
   [4, 4, 4, 4, 4],
   [3, 3, 4, 4, 4],
   [3, 4, 4, 4, 4]

我能想到的是先把语料库中的词条建立一个字典,并有对应的索引。然后遍历每个文档,遍历整个文档,将出现在文档 i 和位置 j 的词放入词条索引。但这似乎很冗长且效率低下。

我 运行 几个月前参加过类似的挑战。我很确定有一种方法可以使用 Python NLTK 来完成。谷歌搜索 "corpus to term count vectors" 应该会给你一个好的开始。


def document_to_term_counts(document, vocab):
    term_count = [0] * len(vocab)
    for word in document:
        if word in vocab:
            term_count[vocab.index(word)] += 1
    return term_count

def count_words_in_documents(documents):
    word_counts = {}
    for document in documents:
        words_found_in_document = set()
        for word in document:
            if word not in word_counts:
                word_counts[word] = {'all_appearances': 1, 'document_appearances': 1}
                word_counts[word]['all_appearances'] += 1
                if word not in words_found_in_document:
                    word_counts[word]['document_appearances'] += 1
    return word_counts

def word_counts_to_vocab(word_counts, min_document_apperances, max_document_apperances):
    vocab = []
    for word in word_counts:
        document_apperances = word_counts[word]['document_appearances']
        if document_apperances >= min_document_apperances and document_apperances <= max_document_apperances:
    return vocab

def documents_to_vocab(documents, min_document_apperances, max_document_apperances):
    word_counts = count_words_in_documents(documents)
    vocab = word_counts_to_vocab(word_counts, min_document_apperances, max_document_apperances)

    return vocab

documents = [
    ['the', 'quick', 'brown', 'fox', 'jumped'],
    ['foxes', 'are', 'quick']

vocab = documents_to_vocab(documents, 1, 100)

for document in documents:
    term_counts = document_to_term_counts(document, vocab)

my full project