实现 yield 并发送 Scheme

Implement yield and send in Scheme

我正在尝试将 yieldyield from 从 Python 移植到 Scheme。


(define (coroutine routine)
  (let ((current routine)
    (status 'new))
    (lambda* (#:optional value)
      (let ((continuation-and-value
         (call/cc (lambda (return)
            (let ((returner
                   (lambda (value)
                 (call/cc (lambda (next)
                        (return (cons next value)))))))
              (if (equal? status 'new)
                (set! status 'running)
                (current returner))
                  (current (cons value returner)))
              (set! status 'dead))))))
    (if (pair? continuation-and-value)
        (begin (set! current (car continuation-and-value))
           (cdr continuation-and-value))

这个实现的问题是它必须被调用的方式看起来不像 Python 的 yield

(define why (call/cc (lambda (yield)
               (format #t "love me or leave me!")
               (yield "I leave!")
               ;; the program never reach this part
               (format #t "it probably left :("))))
(format #t "return actually populates WHY variable\n")
(format #t "WHY: ~a\n")

除其他外,每次我需要重新启动协程时,我 必须 let 一个新的 return 变量能够 exit协程。基本上,我发现语法太冗长了。还有其他语法更清晰的吗?

应该可以将 yield send 值传递给协程。以下是必须如何使用协程的示例:

(define-coroutine (zrange start step)
  "compute a range of values starting a START with STEP between
   each value. The coroutine must be restarted with 0 or more, which
   is added to the step"
  (let loop ((n start))
    (loop (+ n step (yield n)))))

(coroutine-map (zrange 0 10) '(1 100 1000 10000 100000))
;; => 0 110 1120 11130 111140

在上面,1被忽略,然后1001000send到生成器。我已经完成了一个基于@sylwester 代码的实现,但是我在使用宏时遇到了问题:

(define (make-generator procedure)
  (define last-return #f)
  (define last-value #f)
  (define last-continuation (lambda (_) (procedure yield)))

  (define (return value)
    (newline)(display "fuuu")(newline)
    (call/cc (lambda (continuation)
               (set! last-continuation continuation)
               (set! last-value value)
               (last-return value))))
  (lambda* (. rest)  ; ignore arguments
    (call/cc (lambda (yield)
               (set! last-return yield)
               (apply last-continuation rest)))))

(define-syntax define-coroutine
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ (name args ...) body ...)
     (define (name args ...)

        (lambda (yield)
          body ...))))))

(define-coroutine (zrange start step)
  (let loop ((n start))
     (loop (+ n step (yield n)))))

(display (map (zrange 0 10) '(1 100 1000 10000 100000)))


(define (make-generator procedure)
  (define last-return values)
  (define last-value #f)
  (define (last-continuation _) 
    (let ((result (procedure yield))) 
      (last-return result)))

  (define (yield value)
    (call/cc (lambda (continuation)
               (set! last-continuation continuation)
               (set! last-value value)
               (last-return value))))

  (lambda args
    (call/cc (lambda (return)
               (set! last-return return)
               (if (null? args)
                   (last-continuation last-value)
                   (apply last-continuation args))))))


(define test 
   (lambda (collect)
     (collect 1)
     (collect 5)
     (collect 10)

(test) ; ==> 1
(test) ; ==> 5
(test) ; ==> 10
(test) ; ==> #f (procedure finished)


(define-syntax (define-coroutine stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    ((_ (name . args) . body )
     #`(define (name . args)
          (lambda (#,(datum->syntax stx 'yield))
            . body))))))

请注意 define-coroutine 是使用 syntax-case 实现的,因为我们需要使 yield 不卫生。

(define-coroutine (countdown-from n)
  (let loop ((n n))
    (if (= n 0)
        (loop (- (yield n) 1)))))

(define countdown-from-10 (countdown-from 10))

(define (ignore procedure)
  (lambda ignore

(map (ignore countdown-from-10) '(1 1 1 1 1 1)) ; ==> (10 9 8 7 6 5)

;; reset
(countdown-from-10 10)  ; ==> 9
(countdown-from-10)     ; ==> 8
;; reset again
(countdown-from-10 100) ; ==> 99

这里有一种方法。如果你正在使用 guile,你应该使用提示(它们比使用 guile 的完整延续快大约两个数量级):

How to implement Python-style generator in Scheme (Racket or ChezScheme)?

感谢@Sylwester 的精彩回答。

困难的部分是使 yield 可用于生成器函数。 datum->syntax 创建一个语法对象,并要求您提供另一个语法对象,从中获取新对象的上下文。在这种情况下,我们可以使用 stx,它与传入宏的函数具有相同的上下文。


(define-syntax (set-continuation! stx)
  "Simplifies the common continuation idiom
    (call/cc (λ (k) (set! name k) <do stuff>))"
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ name . body)
     #`(call/cc (λ (k)
                  (set! name k)
                  . body))]))

(define-syntax (make-generator stx)
  "Creates a Python-like generator. 
   Functions passed in can use the `yield` keyword to return values 
   while temporarily suspending operation and returning to where they left off
   the next time they are called."
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ fn)
     #`(let ((resume #f)
             (break #f))
         (define #,(datum->syntax stx 'yield)
           (λ (v)
             (set-continuation! resume
               (break v))))
         (λ ()
           (if resume
               (resume #f)
               (set-continuation! break


(define countdown
   (λ ()
     (for ([n (range 5 0 -1)])
           (yield n)))))

=> 5
=> 1
=> 'done
=> 'done