xstate 中 { actions: "" } 和 { entry: "" } 之间的区别?

Difference between { actions: "" } and { entry: "" } in xstate?



  states: {
    foo: {
      on: {
        BAR: {
          actions: "performSomeAction",   
          target: "bar",
    bar: {},

隐式地与 "entry"

  states: {
    foo: {
      on: {
        BAR: "bar",
    bar: {
      entry: "performSomeAction",


David Kourshid(xstate 的创建者)answered Spectrum 上的这个:

They mean different things.

  • Transition actions mean "execute this action only on this transition"
  • Entry/exit actions mean "execute this action on any transition that enters/exits this state"