Android reCAPTCHA: 验证用户响应:所有函数必须在客户端调用!我可以使用我的后端吗?

Android reCAPTCHA: Verifying the user's response: all the functions must be called client-side! Can I use my backend however?

我想验证我的 Android 用户的 reCAPTCHA。所以我正在阅读此文档:

For Android library users, you can call the SafetyNetApi.RecaptchaTokenResult.getTokenResult() method to get response token if the status returns successful.


Gets the reCAPTCHA user response token, which must be validated by calling the siteverify method described in Verify the user's response.


Provides user attestation with reCAPTCHA.

If reCAPTCHA is confident that this is a real user on a real device it will return a token with no challenge. Otherwise it will provide a visual/audio challenge to attest the humanness of the user before returning a token.


我想使用我的后端服务器 (Cloud Functions) 来验证 reCAPTCHA。但是,根据 Android 文档,上述所有功能似乎都放在客户端。事实上,siteverify 应该使用 getTokenResult 获得的令牌来调用,并且两者似乎都是 Android SecureNET ReCAPTCHA Android API...

不过,我觉得使用Cloud Functions会更安全!但是我可以使用我的后端吗?

编辑:在 Cloud Functions 中对 siteverify 的后端调用

exports.verifyRecaptcha = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {

    const user_response_token = request.query.user_response_token;
    if(user_response_token == '') {
        throw new functions.https.HttpsError('invalid-argument', 'The function must be called with an adequat user response token.');
    const remote_url = '';
    const secret = null;{url: remote_url, form:{secret: secret, response: user_response_token}}, function(error, response, body) {
        if(error) {
            throw new functions.https.HttpsError('unknown', error);

        if(!response.statusCode != 200) {
            throw new functions.https.HttpsError('unknown', 'Something went wrong. Status code: ' + response.statusCode + '.');

        if(!body.success) {
            throw new functions.https.HttpsError('unknown', 'Unable to verify this captcha.');

        return response;    


您可以获取从 getTokenResult() 返回的令牌,将其发送到您的后端,并让您的后端调用 Web API 版本的 siteverify: