
How to change the degrees of freedom in a chi-square test

我正在尝试使用泊松分布的拟合优度计算 P 值

观察到的数据点是:118 64 18,预期是:120 61.25 18.8

我用泊松分布计算了概率,所以 df 值为 3-1-1=1

我从 R 得到 df=4

这是我在 R 中输入的内容:

Chi.Observed <- c(118,64,18)
Chi.Expected <- c(120,61.2,18.8)
chisq.test(Chi.Observed, Chi.Expected)


        Pearson's Chi-squared test
Chi.Observed and Chi.Expected
X-squared = 6, df = 4, p-value = 0.1991

稍后我将展示如何更改测试,但这里有一些问题。 (除了 df 调整之外,this CrossValidated question 涵盖了与这个答案完全相同的内容,还有一点......)

  • 了解有关您如何得出预期计数的更多信息会有所帮助。重建:

    • dpois(0:1,lambda=0.51)*200 给出 (120.09912,61.25055) 并且 ppois(1,lambda=0.51,lower.tail=FALSE) 给出 18.6,所以我假设你这里有 0、1 和 >= 2 的概率从 200 计数计数
    • sum(Chi.Observed) 是 200,sum((0:2)*Chi.Observed/sum(Chi.Observed)) 是 0.5,所以非常吻合。


  • 指定 xy 并没有按照您的想法(或我认为的)去做:@Dave2e 指出out,你真正想要的是指定 p 代替。

    if ‘x’ is a vector and ‘y’ is not given, then a goodness-of-fit test is performed ... the hypothesis tested is whether the population probabilities equal those in ‘p’, or are all equal if ‘p’ is not given.


Chi.Observed <- c(118,64,18)
Chi.Expected <- c(120,61.2,18.8)
cc <- chisq.test(Chi.Observed, 
         p = Chi.Expected/sum(Chi.Expected))
cc$parameter <- c(df=1)
cc$p.value <- pchisq(cc$statistic,df=cc$parameter,
## Pearson's Chi-squared test    
## data:  Chi.Observed and Chi.Expected
## X-squared = 0.19548, df = 1, p-value = 0.6584

查看当 xy 都作为向量给出时 实际上 发生的代码:R 构造此 table

table(factor(Chi.Expected), factor(Chi.Observed))

       18 64 118
  18.8  1  0   0
  61.2  0  1   0
  120   0  0   1

然后对其进行权变table分析(即检验row/column独立性的零假设)!这是我很久以来见过的最好的 R 陷阱之一 ...

在思考这个问题并阅读上面Ben的回答后,我相信我有一个解释and/or答案。这个问题有两个方面,使用正确形式的 Chisq 测试并获得正确的自由度。

第一个问题在使用正确的形式chisq.test。如果您使用以下形式:chisq.test(x, y) 这将导致创建 3x3 意外事件 table 并导致 p 值过低。
请参见下面的测试 1。 test1$observedtest1$expected 没有返回正确的输入。

的正确格式是 chisq.test(x, p) #where p is the expected probability of x.
这显示为下面的 test2。现在,p 值已从 19% 变为 90%。 (这将是我的答案,但我会听从更好的统计学家。)

要将自由度调整为 1,请参阅 Ben Bolker 的回答。现在结果显示为 test3,p 值为 66%


Chi.Observed <- c(118,64,18)
Chi.Expected <- c(120,61.2,18.8)

test1<-chisq.test(Chi.Observed, Chi.Expected) # this is 3x3 contgency table.
# Pearson's Chi-squared test
# data:  Chi.Observed and Chi.Expected
# X-squared = 6, df = 4, p-value = 0.1991
#This result is incorrect as it...
# forms a 3x3 contingency table as shown by: 
test1$observed   # observed counts 
test1$expected   # expected counts under the null

#chisq using the expected probabilities:
test2<-chisq.test(Chi.Observed, p= Chi.Expected/sum(Chi.Expected))
# Chi-squared test for given probabilities
# data:  Chi.Observed
# X-squared = 0.19548, df = 2, p-value = 0.9069

#adjust degrees of freedon as per Ben's answer
test3 <- chisq.test(Chi.Observed,  p = Chi.Expected/sum(Chi.Expected))
test3$parameter <- c(df=1)
test3$p.value <- pchisq(test3$statistic, df=test3$parameter, lower.tail=FALSE)
# Chi-squared test for given probabilities
# data:  Chi.Observed
# X-squared = 0.19548, df = 1, p-value = 0.6584