为什么 TempData[] 在 MVC 中的 RedirectToAction 之后为 NULL
Why is TempData[] NULL after RedirectToAction in MVC
问题:我在 Post 操作中设置了 TempData,然后重定向到我的索引操作。在我设置后,TempData 在 post 中不为 NULL,但在 Index 操作中为 NULL。
public async Task<IActionResult> Index()
//var lCARContext = _context.TblRules.Include(t => t.Agency).Include(t => t.Department);
//return View(await lCARContext.ToListAsync());
var rulevm = new RulesViewModel();
> TempData is NULL at this point.
var actionConfirmation = TempData["ActionConfirmation"];
TempData["ActionConfirmation"] = actionConfirmation;
return View(rulevm);
public async Task<IActionResult> Edit(string id,
TblRules tblRules, string NewProposedRuleNo)
if (id != tblRules.ProposedRuleNo)
return NotFound();
if (!tblRules.AgencyId.HasValue & !tblRules.DepartmentId.HasValue)
ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Select an Agency and/or Department for this rule.");
// set the property level messages
ModelState["AgencyId"].Errors.Add("Need either an Agency or Department specified.");
ModelState["DepartmentId"].Errors.Add("Need either an Agency or Department specified.");
if (ModelState.IsValid)
// first save any changes other than the rule number that the user
// has made.
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
// Now if user changed the proposed rule number change it.
// Needs to be done outside of EF since EF does not support changing the PK.
if (NewProposedRuleNo != null)
_context.ChangeProposedRuleNumber(tblRules.ProposedRuleNo, NewProposedRuleNo);
// Return results of the action
catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException ex)
if (!TblRulesExists(tblRules.ProposedRuleNo))
return NotFound();
TempData["ActionConfirmation"] = "Processing successful.";
> TempData is Not NULL at this point.
return RedirectToAction("Index");
//return RedirectToAction(nameof(Index));
// following executed if model is not valid
ViewData["AgencyId"] = new SelectList(_context.TblAgencies.Where(wh => wh.AgencyOrBoard != null).OrderBy(ob => ob.AgencyOrBoard), "AgencyId", "AgencyOrBoard", tblRules.AgencyId);
ViewData["DepartmentId"] = new SelectList(_context.TblDepartments.Where(wh => wh.DeptOrDivision != null).OrderBy(ob => ob.DeptOrDivision), "DepartmentId", "DeptOrDivision", tblRules.DepartmentId);
ViewData["RuleType"] = new SelectList(_context.TlkpRuleTypes.OrderBy(ob => ob.RuleType), "RuleType", "RuleType", tblRules.RuleType);
ViewData["Attorneys"] = new SelectList(_context.TblAttorneys.OrderBy(ob => ob.AttorneyName), "AttorneyName", "AttorneyName", null);
ViewData["CurrentAttorneys"] = new SelectList(tblRules.TblReceivingAttorneys.OrderBy(ob => ob.AttorneyName), "AttorneyName", "AttorneyName", null);
ViewData["CommitteesOfJurisdiction"] = new SelectList(_context.TblCommittees.OrderBy(ob => ob.CommitteName), "CommitteName", "CommitteName", null);
ViewData["CurrentCommitteesOfJurisdiction"] = new SelectList(tblRules.TblCommitteesOfJurisdiction.OrderBy(ob => ob.CommitteName), "CommitteName", "CommitteName", null);
ViewData["Actions"] = new SelectList(_context.TlkpActionsTaken.OrderBy(ob => ob.ActionDescription), "ActionDescription", "ActionDescription", null);
ViewData["CurrentActions"] = new SelectList(tblRules.TblActions.OrderBy(ob => ob.ActionDescription), "ActionId", "ActionDescription", null);
// Return the rules edit view model.
var vm = tblRules.ToCreateRulesEditViewModel();
// Return results of the action
TempData["ActionConfirmation"] = "Validations failed.";
> TempData is Not NULL at this point AND is displayed on the view
vm.AgencyContact = ViewModelExtensionMethods.FormatAgencyContactInformation(tblRules.Agency, true, true);
return View(vm);
_Layout.cshtml 显示 TempData on Validation 错误但不显示 Success 值
@if (TempData["ActionConfirmation"] != null)
Index.cshtml 显示验证错误但不成功的 TempData
@if (TempData["ActionConfirmation"] != null)
我找到了解决方案。显然在 Startup.Configure 中我需要在 app.UseMVC() 之后有 app.UserCookiePolicy()。进行此更改允许 Tempdata 在重定向过程中保持不变。
This page 为我提供了解决问题的提示。我依赖于 hmdhasani 的原始信息,而不是下面的例子,它仍然有 app.UserCookiePolicy 第一。
app.UseMvc(routes =>
name: "default",
template: "{controller=TblRules}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
希望这 post 对其他人有所帮助。
问题:我在 Post 操作中设置了 TempData,然后重定向到我的索引操作。在我设置后,TempData 在 post 中不为 NULL,但在 Index 操作中为 NULL。
public async Task<IActionResult> Index()
//var lCARContext = _context.TblRules.Include(t => t.Agency).Include(t => t.Department);
//return View(await lCARContext.ToListAsync());
var rulevm = new RulesViewModel();
> TempData is NULL at this point.
var actionConfirmation = TempData["ActionConfirmation"];
TempData["ActionConfirmation"] = actionConfirmation;
return View(rulevm);
public async Task<IActionResult> Edit(string id,
TblRules tblRules, string NewProposedRuleNo)
if (id != tblRules.ProposedRuleNo)
return NotFound();
if (!tblRules.AgencyId.HasValue & !tblRules.DepartmentId.HasValue)
ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Select an Agency and/or Department for this rule.");
// set the property level messages
ModelState["AgencyId"].Errors.Add("Need either an Agency or Department specified.");
ModelState["DepartmentId"].Errors.Add("Need either an Agency or Department specified.");
if (ModelState.IsValid)
// first save any changes other than the rule number that the user
// has made.
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
// Now if user changed the proposed rule number change it.
// Needs to be done outside of EF since EF does not support changing the PK.
if (NewProposedRuleNo != null)
_context.ChangeProposedRuleNumber(tblRules.ProposedRuleNo, NewProposedRuleNo);
// Return results of the action
catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException ex)
if (!TblRulesExists(tblRules.ProposedRuleNo))
return NotFound();
TempData["ActionConfirmation"] = "Processing successful.";
> TempData is Not NULL at this point.
return RedirectToAction("Index");
//return RedirectToAction(nameof(Index));
// following executed if model is not valid
ViewData["AgencyId"] = new SelectList(_context.TblAgencies.Where(wh => wh.AgencyOrBoard != null).OrderBy(ob => ob.AgencyOrBoard), "AgencyId", "AgencyOrBoard", tblRules.AgencyId);
ViewData["DepartmentId"] = new SelectList(_context.TblDepartments.Where(wh => wh.DeptOrDivision != null).OrderBy(ob => ob.DeptOrDivision), "DepartmentId", "DeptOrDivision", tblRules.DepartmentId);
ViewData["RuleType"] = new SelectList(_context.TlkpRuleTypes.OrderBy(ob => ob.RuleType), "RuleType", "RuleType", tblRules.RuleType);
ViewData["Attorneys"] = new SelectList(_context.TblAttorneys.OrderBy(ob => ob.AttorneyName), "AttorneyName", "AttorneyName", null);
ViewData["CurrentAttorneys"] = new SelectList(tblRules.TblReceivingAttorneys.OrderBy(ob => ob.AttorneyName), "AttorneyName", "AttorneyName", null);
ViewData["CommitteesOfJurisdiction"] = new SelectList(_context.TblCommittees.OrderBy(ob => ob.CommitteName), "CommitteName", "CommitteName", null);
ViewData["CurrentCommitteesOfJurisdiction"] = new SelectList(tblRules.TblCommitteesOfJurisdiction.OrderBy(ob => ob.CommitteName), "CommitteName", "CommitteName", null);
ViewData["Actions"] = new SelectList(_context.TlkpActionsTaken.OrderBy(ob => ob.ActionDescription), "ActionDescription", "ActionDescription", null);
ViewData["CurrentActions"] = new SelectList(tblRules.TblActions.OrderBy(ob => ob.ActionDescription), "ActionId", "ActionDescription", null);
// Return the rules edit view model.
var vm = tblRules.ToCreateRulesEditViewModel();
// Return results of the action
TempData["ActionConfirmation"] = "Validations failed.";
> TempData is Not NULL at this point AND is displayed on the view
vm.AgencyContact = ViewModelExtensionMethods.FormatAgencyContactInformation(tblRules.Agency, true, true);
return View(vm);
_Layout.cshtml 显示 TempData on Validation 错误但不显示 Success 值
@if (TempData["ActionConfirmation"] != null)
Index.cshtml 显示验证错误但不成功的 TempData
@if (TempData["ActionConfirmation"] != null)
我找到了解决方案。显然在 Startup.Configure 中我需要在 app.UseMVC() 之后有 app.UserCookiePolicy()。进行此更改允许 Tempdata 在重定向过程中保持不变。
This page 为我提供了解决问题的提示。我依赖于 hmdhasani 的原始信息,而不是下面的例子,它仍然有 app.UserCookiePolicy 第一。
app.UseMvc(routes =>
name: "default",
template: "{controller=TblRules}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
希望这 post 对其他人有所帮助。