Clearcase - 无法访问 VOB - ls:读取目录 - 权限被拒绝

Clearcase - Unable to access VOB - ls: reading directory - Permission denied

Clearcase Server Version -
OS – Centos - 7.6.1810 (Core)

问题: 创建了新的 VOB,安装了 VOB,然后在服务器上成功创建了动态视图。从 VOB 根目录 ls 命令显示以下错误。

ls: reading directory .: Permission denied
total 0


cleartool protectvob -f -chown ccadmin -chgrp testvob-grp /vobstg/testvob.vbs
cleartool protect -chown ccadmin -chgrp testvob-grp -chmod 775 -r .

[root@VOB-Server /]# cleartool desc -l vob:/vobstg/testvob
versioned object base "/vobstg/testvob"
  created 2019-11-21T09:01:57+05:30 by ccadmin.testvob-grp@VOB-Server
  "This is test VOB."
  protected by rolemap: "DefaultRolemap"
  effective access for user "root": rmelem,Read
  VOB family feature level: 8
  VOB storage host:pathname "VOB-Server:/vobstg/testvob.vbs"
  VOB storage global pathname "/net/VOB-Server/vobstg/testvob.vbs"
  database schema version: 80
  modification by remote privileged user: allowed
  atomic checkin: disabled
  srfm: disabled
  evil twin detection: disabled
  VOB ownership:
    owner ccadmin
    group testvob-grp
  minimum client feature level: 8
  ACLs feature level: 8
    FeatureLevel = 8

View owner has rwx (all) 权限。那么在较新版本的 Clearcase 中,我是否需要为 root id 和 VOB-owner ID 启用配置?


element * CHECKEDOUT
element * /main/LATEST

使用根帐户创建的动态视图。在描述 VOB 标签时显示以下错误。

[root@VOB-Server]# cleartool desc -l /vobstg/testvob
cleartool: Error: No permission to resolve: "/vobstg/testvob".
cleartool: Error: Unable to access "/vobstg/testvob" because either it is unreadable or its containing VOB is not accessible to the current user.

而对于 VOB 所有者的 account/ID (ccadmin),我可以描述 VOB。

首先,这取决于您的配置规范(我假设 element * /main/LATEST

其次,您的问题提到了 root@VOB-Server:确保以视图所有者的身份进行 ls 测试:ccadmin.testvob-grp

仍然作为视图所有者,做一个id -a检查主要组(或次要组之一)是否是VOB组的一部分(VOB,不是视图,它被正确保护)

参见“Access control for VOBs" and "About Additional Groups in the VOB's group list

You can use the cleartool describe command to display the owner, group, and supplemental group list for a VOB.

cleartool descr -l vob:/vobs/vobtag

Whereas with VOB Owner’s account/ID (ccadmin), I can able to describe the VOB.

这是预期的:只有将主要 Vob 组作为其组的一部分的用户才能访问 Vob。 root 在其群组中没有 testvob-grp (id -a)