无法绘制 Zipf 的分布图

Unable to Plot Zipf's Distribution Graph

我是 python 和机器学习的新手。我想为一个文本文件绘制 Zipf 的分布图。但是我的代码出错了。 以下是我的 python 代码

import re
from itertools import islice
#Get our corpus of medical words
frequency = {}
open_file = open("abp.csv", 'r')
file_to_string = open_file.read()
words = re.findall(r'(\b[A-Za-z][a-z]{2,9}\b)', file_to_string)

#build dict of words based on frequency
for word in words:
    count = frequency.get(word,0)
    frequency[word] = count + 1

#limit words to 1000
n = 1000
frequency = {key:value for key,value in islice(frequency.items(), 0, n)}
#convert value of frequency to numpy array
s = frequency.values()
s = np.array(s)

#Calculate zipf and plot the data
a = 2. #  distribution parameter
count, bins, ignored = plt.hist(s[s<50], 50, normed=True)
x = np.arange(1., 50.)
y = x**(-a) / special.zetac(a)
plt.plot(x, y/max(y), linewidth=2, color='r')

并且上面的代码给出了以下错误: 计数,分箱,忽略 = plt.hist(s[s<50], 50, normed=True)

TypeError: 'dict_values' 和 'int'


numpy数组s实际上由一个dict_values对象组成。要将值转换为包含 dict_values 数字的 numpy 数组,请使用

import numpy as np

frequency = {key:value for key,value in islice(frequency.items(), 0, n)}
s = np.fromiter(frequency.values(), dtype=float)

假设,您希望数组包含 float 个。

有关详细信息,请阅读 docs