Cloudera 节点 /etc/krb5.conf 在每次重启时更换

Cloudera node /etc/krb5.conf replaced at every reboot

我有一个问题,为什么我的 cloudera 节点每次重启都会替换 /etc/krb5.conf 文件??我正在尝试进行修改,当有人重新启动时,文件再次被旧配置文件替换

CDH 和 HDP 发行版都可以选择让他们的 Hadoop 集群管理器 (Cloudera Manager 与 Ambari) 也管理所有节点上的 Kerberos 客户端配置。
或者更确切地说,他们可以选择 让它为您管理...

来自CDH 6.3 documentation

Choose whether Cloudera Manager should deploy and manage the krb5.conf on your cluster or not ...
this page will let you configure the properties that will be emitted in it. In particular, the safety valves on this page can be used to configure cross-realm authentication.

来自HDP 3.1 documentation

(Optional) To manage your Kerberos client krb5.conf manually (and not have Ambari manage the krb5.conf), expand the Advanced krb5-conf section and uncheck the "Manage" option.
(Optional) To not have Ambari install the Kerberos client libraries on all hosts, expand the Advanced kerberos-env section and uncheck the “Install OS-specific Kerberos client package(s)” option