当无法将 FnBox 闭包放入 Arc 时,如何克隆它?

How can I clone a FnBox closure when it cannot be put into an Arc?

我想向不同的线程发送命令(闭包),闭包捕获非 Sync 变量(因此我不能 "share" 带有 Arc 的闭包,如 Can you clone a closure?) 中所述。

闭包只捕获实现 Clone 的元素,所以我觉得闭包也可以派生 Clone


use std::boxed::FnBox;
use std::sync::mpsc::{self, Sender};
use std::thread;

type Command = Box<FnBox(&mut SenderWrapper) + Send>;

struct SenderWrapper {
    tx: Option<Sender<u64>>,
impl SenderWrapper {
    fn new() -> SenderWrapper {
        SenderWrapper { tx: None }

fn main() {
    let (responses_tx, responses_rx) = mpsc::channel();
    let closure: Command = Box::new(move |snd: &mut SenderWrapper| {
        snd.tx = Some(responses_tx); // Captures tx, which is not Sync but is Clone

    let mut commands = Vec::new();
    for i in 0..2i32 {
        let (commands_tx, commands_rx) = mpsc::channel();
        thread::spawn(move || {
            let mut wrapper = SenderWrapper::new();
            let command: Command = commands_rx.recv().unwrap();
            command.call_box((&mut wrapper,));
            // Continue ...

    for tx in commands.iter() {
        commands[0].send(closure.clone()).unwrap(); // How can I make this clone() work?
    // use answers ...
error[E0599]: no method named `clone` found for type `std::boxed::Box<for<'r> std::boxed::FnBox<(&'r mut SenderWrapper,), Output=()> + 'static>` in the current scope
  --> src/main.rs:40:34
40 |         commands[0].send(closure.clone()).unwrap();
   |                                  ^^^^^
   = note: the method `clone` exists but the following trait bounds were not satisfied:
           `std::boxed::Box<for<'r> std::boxed::FnBox<(&'r mut SenderWrapper,), Output=()>> : std::clone::Clone`


一个肮脏的解决方法是(手动)定义一个包含所需环境的结构,实现 Clone,并定义 FnOnceInvoke 特征。

生锈 1.35

Box<dyn FnOnce>稳定。如果您将代码更改为仅在克隆后封闭闭包,您的代码现在可以在稳定的 Rust 中运行:

use std::sync::mpsc::{self, Sender};
use std::thread;

type Command = Box<FnOnce(&mut SenderWrapper) + Send>;

struct SenderWrapper {
    tx: Option<Sender<u64>>,
impl SenderWrapper {
    fn new() -> SenderWrapper {
        SenderWrapper { tx: None }

fn main() {
    let (responses_tx, responses_rx) = mpsc::channel();
    let closure = move |snd: &mut SenderWrapper| {
        snd.tx = Some(responses_tx); // Captures tx, which is not Sync but is Clone

    let mut commands = Vec::new();
    for i in 0..2i32 {
        let (commands_tx, commands_rx) = mpsc::channel();
        thread::spawn(move || {
            let mut wrapper = SenderWrapper::new();
            let command: Command = commands_rx.recv().unwrap();
            command(&mut wrapper);
            // Continue ...

    for tx in commands.iter() {
        tx.send(Box::new(closure.clone())).unwrap(); // How can I make this clone() work?
    // use answers ...


生锈 1.26

闭包现在实现 Clone



for tx in commands.iter() {
    let my_resp_tx = responses_tx.clone();
    let closure = Box::new(move |snd: &mut SenderWrapper| {
        snd.tx = Some(my_resp_tx);

您甚至可以将此逻辑提取到 "factory" 函数中。

让我们深入了解一下。首先,我们认识到 Box<FnBox> 是一个 特征对象 ,克隆它们有点困难。根据 中的答案,并使用较小的案例,我们最终得到:


use std::boxed::FnBox;

type Command = Box<MyFnBox<Output = ()> + Send>;

trait MyFnBox: FnBox(&mut u8) + CloneMyFnBox {}

trait CloneMyFnBox {
    fn clone_boxed_trait_object(&self) -> Box<MyFnBox<Output = ()> + Send>;

impl<T> CloneMyFnBox for T
    T: 'static + MyFnBox + Clone + Send,
    fn clone_boxed_trait_object(&self) -> Box<MyFnBox<Output = ()> + Send> {

impl Clone for Box<MyFnBox<Output = ()> + Send> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Box<MyFnBox<Output = ()> + Send> {

fn create() -> Command {

fn main() {
    let c = create();

值得注意的是,我们必须引入一个特征来实现克隆,并引入另一个特征以将克隆特征与 FnBox.


然后是 "just" 为 FnBox 的所有实现者实现 MyFnBox 并启用另一个夜间功能的问题:#![clone_closures](定于 stabilization in Rust 1.28) :


use std::boxed::FnBox;
use std::sync::mpsc::{self, Sender};
use std::thread;

struct SenderWrapper {
    tx: Option<Sender<u64>>,
impl SenderWrapper {
    fn new() -> SenderWrapper {
        SenderWrapper { tx: None }

type Command = Box<MyFnBox<Output = ()> + Send>;

trait MyFnBox: FnBox(&mut SenderWrapper) + CloneMyFnBox {}

impl<T> MyFnBox for T
    T: 'static + FnBox(&mut SenderWrapper) + Clone + Send,

trait CloneMyFnBox {
    fn clone_boxed_trait_object(&self) -> Box<MyFnBox<Output = ()> + Send>;

impl<T> CloneMyFnBox for T
    T: 'static + MyFnBox + Clone + Send,
    fn clone_boxed_trait_object(&self) -> Box<MyFnBox<Output = ()> + Send> {

impl Clone for Box<MyFnBox<Output = ()> + Send> {
    fn clone(&self) -> Box<MyFnBox<Output = ()> + Send> {

fn main() {
    let (responses_tx, responses_rx) = mpsc::channel();
    let closure: Command = Box::new(move |snd: &mut SenderWrapper| {
        snd.tx = Some(responses_tx);

    let mut commands = Vec::new();
    for i in 0..2i32 {
        let (commands_tx, commands_rx) = mpsc::channel();
        thread::spawn(move || {
            let mut wrapper = SenderWrapper::new();
            let command: Command = commands_rx.recv().unwrap();
            command.call_box((&mut wrapper,));
            // Continue ...

    for tx in commands.iter() {
        commands[0].send(closure.clone()).unwrap(); // How can I make this clone() work?
    // use answers ...