Github 操作- 如何重新启动会话?

Github Action- How to restart the session?

我有一个 Github 动作 创建了一个 dotnet tool,并尝试使用它。

$ dotnet pack MyTool.csproj --configuration Release
$ dotnet tool install --global --add-source . MyTool

Since you just installed the .NET Core SDK, you will need to logout or restart your session before running the tool you installed.
You can invoke the tool using the following command: my-tool
Tool 'MyTool' (version '1.0.0') was successfully installed.

$ my-tool

my-tool: command not found

我怎样才能logout or restart my session在工作中重新加载PATH

在名为 Install a global tool 的部分中,它表示工具安装在以下位置:

OS Path
Linux/macOS $HOME/.dotnet/tools
Windows %USERPROFILE%\.dotnet\tools


This location is added to the user's path when the SDK is first run, so global tools can be invoked from any directory without specifying the tool location.

但是,从您的输出看来,您还刚刚安装了 .NET SDK,因此它还没有机会将这些文件夹添加到 PATH


  1. 既然你已经知道工具的安装位置,那么就用你刚刚安装的工具的绝对路径:$HOME/.dotnet/tools/my-tool

  2. 另一种方法是修复运行工具之前的PATH,这样当你到达安装该工具的步骤时,它已经可用了。在您的工作流程中,有多种修改 PATH 的方法,但最简单的似乎是修改 $GITHUB_PATH file. So in a previous step, do the following inside run

       mkdir --parents $HOME/.dotnet/tools
       echo "$HOME/.dotnet/tools" >> $GITHUB_PATH
