我正在使用 fullpage.js 并想隐藏小屏幕的导航选项(最大宽度:700 像素)

I'm using fullpage.js and want to hide the navigation option for small screens (max-width: 700px)

这是调用 fullpage.js 并设置选项的脚本:

    new fullpage('#fullpage', {
      //options here
      autoScrolling: true,
      scrollHorizontally: true,
      navigation: true,  

所以我想在视口小于 700 像素时将导航设置为 false


function myFunction(x) {
  if (x.matches) { // If media query matches
    fullpage('#fullpage', { navigation: true,
  } else {
   fullpage('#fullpage', { navigation: false,

var x = window.matchMedia("(max-width: 700px)")
myFunction(x) // Call listener function at run time
x.addListener(myFunction) // Attach listener function on state changes


为什么不使用正常的 CSS 媒体查询?

@media screen and (max-height: 700px){
   display: none;