fullpage.js 在移动设备上滑动可滚动浏览多个部分
fullpage.js swipe on mobile scrolls through multiple sections
在移动设备上,当您缓慢向上滑动时 fullpage.js 向前跳转多个部分,例如快进或其他内容(my site for example). Is there any way to turn off that feature? What I want is slow swipe up to reveal the lower section and animate to that section when you release. The demo on the main website here 有此行为,但我看不到任何选项。
您可以使用 Drag And Move extension for fullpage.js.
这将允许您像在 the demo page 中那样滚动。
在移动设备上,当您缓慢向上滑动时 fullpage.js 向前跳转多个部分,例如快进或其他内容(my site for example). Is there any way to turn off that feature? What I want is slow swipe up to reveal the lower section and animate to that section when you release. The demo on the main website here 有此行为,但我看不到任何选项。
好的! 您可以使用 Drag And Move extension for fullpage.js.
这将允许您像在 the demo page 中那样滚动。