如何从全局原子 table 中获取字符串?
How can I get a string from the global atom table?
几天来,我一直在尝试为 windows OS 编写汇编程序。
我试图在全局原子 table 中存储一个字符串,然后再取回它。
问题是:当我调用函数 GlobalGetAtomNameA 时,程序崩溃,代码为 5,访问冲突!
GLOBAL _main ; Entrypoint
EXTERN printf ; msvcrt.dll
EXTERN GlobalAddAtomA
EXTERN GlobalDeleteAtom
EXTERN GlobalFindAtomA
EXTERN GlobalGetAtomNameA ; kernel32.dll (and umengx86.dll?)
EXTERN SetLastError
EXTERN GetLastError ; Errhandlingapi.h
EXTERN LoadLibraryA ; libloaderapi.h
EXTERN ExitProcess
LoadLib DB "User32", 0x00
AtomString DB "This is a string I want to store in the Global Atom Table!", 0x00
AtomFailed DB "Oops! Something went wrong:", 0x0A, 0x00
AtomSucceed DB "Data stored successfully!", 0x00
String1 DB "Here is the string:", 0x0A, 0x00
ErrCode5 DB "Error: Access denied!", 0x00
AtomPTR: resb 2 ; Atom will be 2 bytes long
AtomBuffer: resb 100 ; Where the received message gets stored
PUSH LoadLib
CALL LoadLibraryA ; explicitly load this library into memory
ADD esp, 4 ; if this isn't done, GlobalAddAtomA will return NULL
CMP eax, 0x00 ; if function returns 0, something went wrong
JE Fail
PUSH AtomString
CALL GlobalAddAtomA ; Call function
ADD esp, 4 ; Data stored as atom can have a maximum size of 255 bytes
CMP ax, 0x00
JE Fail
MOV WORD[AtomPTR], ax ; Copy Atom into memory (16 bits)
PUSH AtomSucceed
CALL printf
ADD esp, 4
PUSH AtomString
CALL GlobalFindAtomA ; Search for our string
ADD esp, 4
CMP ax, bx ; CMP these two atoms
JNE Fail ; If they don't match, something went wrong
PUSH 0x64 ; 3rd arg: Buffer size
PUSH AtomBuffer ; 2nd arg: Buffer for the retrieved value
PUSH ax ; 1st arg: Atom
CALL GlobalGetAtomNameA ; Get String back
; Program crashes inside this function
ADD esp, 10 ; 3rd & 2nd arg: 4 bytes | ax: 2 bytes
PUSH AtomBuffer
CALL printf
ADD esp, 4 ; Print out the retrieved string
XOR eax, eax
PUSH eax
CALL SetLastError ; Set last error to 0x00
ADD esp, 4
CALL GlobalDeleteAtom ; Delete Atom from Table
ADD esp, 2 ; ax is only 2 bytes
CALL GetLastError ; If last error has changed from 0x00,
CMP ax, 0x00 ; something went wrong
JNE Fail
XOR eax, eax
PUSH eax
CALL ExitProcess
; ----------------------------------------------------- ;
PUSH AtomFailed
CALL printf
ADD esp, 4
CALL GetLastError ; No arguments
CMP ax, 0x05
JNE ExitProc ; If not error code 5, exit
PUSH ErrCode5 ; If error code 5, printf
CALL printf
ADD esp, 4
JMP ExitProc ; Exit
nasm -fwin32 Atoms.asm
我 link 使用 GoLink:
GoLink.exe /mix /console /entry _main Atoms.obj kernel32.dll user32.dll msvcrt.dll libloaderapi.h Errhandlingapi.h
我尝试 link umengx86.dll 使用我的 .obj 文件,但这也没有用。
仅压入 16 位,但调用约定在完整的 4 字节堆栈槽中传递窄整数。
使用 movzx eax, word [...]
窄数据负载,这样您就不必在 16 位操作数大小上胡思乱想了。
然后你可以使用 push eax
在高 2 个字节中无垃圾地推送,以防你的被调用者想要 int
而不是 short
。如果它只查看低 2 个字节,则上半部分的内容无关紧要,但您肯定需要 push eax
几天来,我一直在尝试为 windows OS 编写汇编程序。 我试图在全局原子 table 中存储一个字符串,然后再取回它。
问题是:当我调用函数 GlobalGetAtomNameA 时,程序崩溃,代码为 5,访问冲突! 这是我写的代码:
GLOBAL _main ; Entrypoint
EXTERN printf ; msvcrt.dll
EXTERN GlobalAddAtomA
EXTERN GlobalDeleteAtom
EXTERN GlobalFindAtomA
EXTERN GlobalGetAtomNameA ; kernel32.dll (and umengx86.dll?)
EXTERN SetLastError
EXTERN GetLastError ; Errhandlingapi.h
EXTERN LoadLibraryA ; libloaderapi.h
EXTERN ExitProcess
LoadLib DB "User32", 0x00
AtomString DB "This is a string I want to store in the Global Atom Table!", 0x00
AtomFailed DB "Oops! Something went wrong:", 0x0A, 0x00
AtomSucceed DB "Data stored successfully!", 0x00
String1 DB "Here is the string:", 0x0A, 0x00
ErrCode5 DB "Error: Access denied!", 0x00
AtomPTR: resb 2 ; Atom will be 2 bytes long
AtomBuffer: resb 100 ; Where the received message gets stored
PUSH LoadLib
CALL LoadLibraryA ; explicitly load this library into memory
ADD esp, 4 ; if this isn't done, GlobalAddAtomA will return NULL
CMP eax, 0x00 ; if function returns 0, something went wrong
JE Fail
PUSH AtomString
CALL GlobalAddAtomA ; Call function
ADD esp, 4 ; Data stored as atom can have a maximum size of 255 bytes
CMP ax, 0x00
JE Fail
MOV WORD[AtomPTR], ax ; Copy Atom into memory (16 bits)
PUSH AtomSucceed
CALL printf
ADD esp, 4
PUSH AtomString
CALL GlobalFindAtomA ; Search for our string
ADD esp, 4
CMP ax, bx ; CMP these two atoms
JNE Fail ; If they don't match, something went wrong
PUSH 0x64 ; 3rd arg: Buffer size
PUSH AtomBuffer ; 2nd arg: Buffer for the retrieved value
PUSH ax ; 1st arg: Atom
CALL GlobalGetAtomNameA ; Get String back
; Program crashes inside this function
ADD esp, 10 ; 3rd & 2nd arg: 4 bytes | ax: 2 bytes
PUSH AtomBuffer
CALL printf
ADD esp, 4 ; Print out the retrieved string
XOR eax, eax
PUSH eax
CALL SetLastError ; Set last error to 0x00
ADD esp, 4
CALL GlobalDeleteAtom ; Delete Atom from Table
ADD esp, 2 ; ax is only 2 bytes
CALL GetLastError ; If last error has changed from 0x00,
CMP ax, 0x00 ; something went wrong
JNE Fail
XOR eax, eax
PUSH eax
CALL ExitProcess
; ----------------------------------------------------- ;
PUSH AtomFailed
CALL printf
ADD esp, 4
CALL GetLastError ; No arguments
CMP ax, 0x05
JNE ExitProc ; If not error code 5, exit
PUSH ErrCode5 ; If error code 5, printf
CALL printf
ADD esp, 4
JMP ExitProc ; Exit
nasm -fwin32 Atoms.asm
我 link 使用 GoLink:
GoLink.exe /mix /console /entry _main Atoms.obj kernel32.dll user32.dll msvcrt.dll libloaderapi.h Errhandlingapi.h
我尝试 link umengx86.dll 使用我的 .obj 文件,但这也没有用。
仅压入 16 位,但调用约定在完整的 4 字节堆栈槽中传递窄整数。
使用 movzx eax, word [...]
窄数据负载,这样您就不必在 16 位操作数大小上胡思乱想了。
然后你可以使用 push eax
在高 2 个字节中无垃圾地推送,以防你的被调用者想要 int
而不是 short
。如果它只查看低 2 个字节,则上半部分的内容无关紧要,但您肯定需要 push eax