RxJava2 中的条件可完成

Conditional Completable in RxJava2

我经常发现自己创建的流取决于 Single<Boolean> 提供的某些条件。考虑这个例子:

public void test() {
    Observable.range(0, 10)
            .flatMapCompletable(shouldDoStuff -> shouldDoStuff ? doStuff() : Completable.complete())

private Single<Boolean> shouldDoStuff(int number) {
    return Single.just(number % 2 == 0);

private Completable doStuff() {
    return Completable.fromAction(() -> System.out.println("Did stuff"));

我发现 flatMapSingle(...).flatMapCompletable(...) 部分不必要冗长。


Observable.range(0, 10)


Observable.range(0, 10)
        .flatMapCompletable(number -> Completable.ifTrue(shouldDoStuff(number), doStuff()))


您可以对 shouldDoStuff

的结果使用 filter 运算符
 Observable.range(0, 10)
            .filter(shouldDo -> shouldDo)  // this will emit to the downstream only if shouldDo = true
            .flatMapCompletable(__ -> doStuff())


  class CompletableIfTrue {
    public static CompletableSource when(Single<Boolean> shouldDoStuff, Completable doStuff) {
        return shouldDoStuff.flatMapCompletable(shouldDo -> shouldDo ? doStuff : Completable.complete());

Observable.range(0, 10)
     .flatMapCompletable(number -> CompletableIfTrue.when(shouldDoStuff(number), doStuff()))