如何在 SQL/Spark/GraphFrames 中进行此转换

How to do this transformation in SQL/Spark/GraphFrames

我有一个 table 包含以下两列:

Device-Id    Account-Id
d1           a1   
d2           a1
d1           a2
d2           a3
d3           a4
d3           a5 
d4           a6
d1           a4

Device-Id 是安装我的应用程序的设备的唯一ID,Account-Id 是用户帐户的ID。一个用户可以拥有多个设备,并且可以在同一台设备上创建多个帐户(例如,d1 设备设置了 a1、a2 和 a3 帐户)。

我想找到唯一的实际用户(应该表示为在生成的 table 中具有一些唯一 UUID 的新列)和我正在寻找的转换,生成以下内容 table :

Unique-User-Id    Devices-Used    Accounts-Used
uuid1             [d1, d2, d3]    [a1, a2, a3, a4, a5]   
uuid2             [d4]            [a6]

上面生成的table背后的想法是实际用户uuid1在他们的设备d1和d2上设置了一个帐户a1,这基本上意味着这两个设备都属于uuid 1和所有在这些 d1 和 d2 设备上设置的其他帐户也映射到同一用户 uuid1。同样,d1也有一个账号a4,也是在d3上设置的,所以d3也是uuid1的设备,它上面的每个账号都应该映射到uuid1。

如何在 SQL/Spark/GraphFrames(通过 DataBricks)中实现上述转换,其中 设备 ID 和帐户 ID 都可以以百万为单位


import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._

val flatten_distinct = (array_distinct _) compose (flatten _)

val df = Seq(

val userDevices = df

//|  a5|     [d3]|
//|  a3|     [d2]|
//|  a4|     [d3]|
//|  a2|     [d1]|
//|  a1| [d1, d2]|
//|  a6|     [d4]|

val accountsByDevice = df

//|  d2| [a3, a1]|
//|  d3| [a4, a5]|
//|  d1| [a1, a2]|
//|  d4|     [a6]|

val ungroupedDf = userDevices
  .join(accountsByDevice, expr("array_contains(d_id_list,d_id)"))
  .agg(collect_set("u_id_list") as "set")
  .select(col("d_id_list") as "d_id", flatten_distinct(col("set")) as "u_id")
  .select(explode(col("d_id")) as "d_id", col("u_id"), size(col("u_id")) as "size")

//|d_id|        u_id|size|
//|  d2|    [a1, a3]|   2|
//|  d1|[a1, a3, a2]|   3|
//|  d2|[a1, a3, a2]|   3|
//|  d3|    [a4, a5]|   2|
//|  d1|    [a1, a2]|   2|
//|  d4|        [a6]|   1|

val finalDf = ungroupedDf
  .join(ungroupedDf.groupBy("d_id").agg(max(col("size")) as "size"), Seq("size","d_id"))
  .agg(collect_set("d_id") as "d_id")
  .withColumn("unique_id", monotonically_increasing_id())

//|        u_id|    d_id|    unique_id|
//|[a1, a2, a3]|[d1, d2]|1228360646656|
//|    [a4, a5]|    [d3]|1297080123392|
//|        [a6]|    [d4]|1520418422784|


from graphframes import GraphFrame
from pyspark.sql.functions import collect_set, expr

df = spark.createDataFrame([
         ("d1","a1"), ("d2","a1"), ("d1","a2"), ("d1","a4"),
         ("d2","a3"), ("d3","a4"), ("d3","a5"), ("d4","a6")  
], ["Device-Id","Account-Id"])

# set checkpoint which is required for Graphframe

# for testing purpose, set a small shuffle partitions
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.shuffle.partitions", 2)

# set up edges and vertices, add an underscore as prefix of Device-ID
edges = df.withColumn('Device-Id', expr('concat("_", `Device-Id`)')).toDF('src', 'dst')
vertices = edges.selectExpr('src as id').distinct().union(edges.select('dst').distinct())

# set up the graph
g = GraphFrame(vertices, edges)

# compute the connected components and group resultset by component
# and collect corresponding ids using collect_set(id)
df1 = g.connectedComponents().groupby('component').agg(collect_set('id').alias('ids'))
|component   |ids                                |
|309237645312|[a6, _d4]                          |
|85899345920 |[_d1, a4, a1, _d3, a3, a5, a2, _d2]|

# split the ids based on the prefix we predefined when creating edges.
      'transform(filter(ids, x -> left(x,1) = "_"), y -> substr(y,2)) AS `Devices-Used`'
    , 'filter(ids, x -> left(x,1) != "_") AS `Accounts-Used`'
    , 'component AS `Unique-User-Id`'
|Devices-Used|       Accounts-Used|Unique-User-Id|
|[d1, d3, d2]|[a4, a1, a3, a5, a2]|   85899345920|
|        [d4]|                [a6]|  309237645312|

编辑: 上述方法在创建不需要的edges/vertices大列表时效率较低,使用自连接创建边缘列表应该是更好的选择(受此启发):

edges = df.alias('d1').join(df.alias('d2'), ["Account-Id"]) \
    .filter("d1.`Device-Id` > d2.`Device-Id`") \
    .toDF("account", "src", "dst")
|     a1| d2| d1|
|     a4| d3| d1|

vertices = df.selectExpr('`Device-Id` as id', "`Account-Id` as acct_id")
g = GraphFrame(vertices, edges)

df1 = g.connectedComponents() \
    .groupby('component') \
|component|  Device-Ids|         Account-Ids|
|        0|[d1, d2, d3]|[a4, a1, a3, a5, a2]|
|        1|        [d4]|                [a6]|