在 apache lucene 中保留空格的同时生成 N-gram

Generate N-grams while preserving spaces in apache lucene

我正在尝试使用 apache Lucene 5.5.4 为给定的输入文本集生成 N-gram。以下是我的 java 代码来执行相同的操作。

public static void main( String[] args )
        Analyzer analyzer = createAnalyzer( 2 );
        List<String> nGrams = generateNgrams( analyzer, "blah1  blah2  blah3" );

        for ( String nGram : nGrams ) {
            System.out.println( nGram );

    public static Analyzer createAnalyzer( final int shingles )
        return new Analyzer() {
            protected TokenStreamComponents createComponents( @NotNull String field )
                final Tokenizer source = new WhitespaceTokenizer();
                final ShingleFilter shingleFilter = new ShingleFilter( new LowerCaseFilter( source ), shingles );
                shingleFilter.setOutputUnigrams( true );
                return new TokenStreamComponents( source, shingleFilter );

    public static List<String> generateNgrams( Analyzer analyzer, String str )
        List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
        try {
            TokenStream stream = analyzer.tokenStream( null, new StringReader( str ) );
            while ( stream.incrementToken() ) {
                String nGram = stream.getAttribute( CharTermAttribute.class ).toString();
                result.add( nGram );
                LOG.debug( "Generated N-gram = {}", nGram );
        } catch ( IOException e ) {
            LOG.error( "IO Exception occured! {}", e );
        return result;

对于我的输入blah1 blah2 blah3,输出如下,我可以接受。


blah1 blah2


blah2 blah3


但是,当输入为Foo bar Foo2时,我的要求是生成以下输出:

  1. Foo
  2. Foo bar
  3. bar
  4. bar Foo2
  5. Foo2

如果您注意到了,我必须保留输入中两个单词之间的空格。(Foo bar 而不是 Foo bar)。

我可以做一些调整并让 lucene 在内部处理它吗?

可能是添加过滤器之类的小调整,因为我是 Lucene 的新手,所以我不知道从哪里开始。 提前致谢。

我不得不编写自定义分词器和 trim 过滤器来实现这一点。

1) 我通过扩展 org.apache.lucene.analysis.Tokenizer class 创建了一个摘要 class DelimiterPreservingCharTokenizer。接下来,给出了我对 incrementToken 方法的实现。如果 class 不是最终的,我会延长 org.apache.lucene.analysis.util.CharTokenizerDelimiterPreservingCharTokenizer 如下所示。

package lucene.tokenizers;

import java.io.IOException;

import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Tokenizer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.CharTermAttribute;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.OffsetAttribute;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.util.CharTokenizer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.util.CharacterUtils;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.util.CharacterUtils.CharacterBuffer;
import org.apache.lucene.util.AttributeFactory;

 * @author Arun Gowda.
 * This class is exactly same as {@link CharTokenizer}. Except that, the stream will have leading delimiters. This is to support N-gram vicinity matches.
 * We are creating a new class instead of extending CharTokenizer because,  incrementToken method is final and we can not override it.
public abstract class DelimiterPreservingCharTokenizer extends Tokenizer

     * Creates a new {@link DelimiterPreservingCharTokenizer} instance
    public DelimiterPreservingCharTokenizer()

     * Creates a new {@link DelimiterPreservingCharTokenizer} instance
     * @param factory
     *          the attribute factory to use for this {@link Tokenizer}
    public DelimiterPreservingCharTokenizer( AttributeFactory factory )
        super( factory );

    private int offset = 0, bufferIndex = 0, dataLen = 0, finalOffset = 0;
    private static final int MAX_WORD_LEN = 255;
    private static final int IO_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096;

    private final CharTermAttribute termAtt = addAttribute( CharTermAttribute.class );
    private final OffsetAttribute offsetAtt = addAttribute( OffsetAttribute.class );

    private final CharacterUtils charUtils = CharacterUtils.getInstance();
    private final CharacterBuffer ioBuffer = CharacterUtils.newCharacterBuffer( IO_BUFFER_SIZE );

     * Returns true iff a codepoint should be included in a token. This tokenizer
     * generates as tokens adjacent sequences of codepoints which satisfy this
     * predicate. Codepoints for which this is false are used to define token
     * boundaries and are not included in tokens.
    protected abstract boolean isTokenChar( int c );

     * Called on each token character to normalize it before it is added to the
     * token. The default implementation does nothing. Subclasses may use this to,
     * e.g., lowercase tokens.
    protected int normalize( int c )
        return c;

    public final boolean incrementToken() throws IOException
        int length = 0;
        int start = -1; // this variable is always initialized
        int end = -1;
        char[] buffer = termAtt.buffer();
        while ( true ) {
            if ( bufferIndex >= dataLen ) {
                offset += dataLen;
                charUtils.fill( ioBuffer, input ); // read supplementary char aware with CharacterUtils
                if ( ioBuffer.getLength() == 0 ) {
                    dataLen = 0; // so next offset += dataLen won't decrement offset
                    if ( length > 0 ) {
                    } else {
                        finalOffset = correctOffset( offset );
                        return false;
                dataLen = ioBuffer.getLength();
                bufferIndex = 0;
            // use CharacterUtils here to support < 3.1 UTF-16 code unit behavior if the char based methods are gone
            final int c = charUtils.codePointAt( ioBuffer.getBuffer(), bufferIndex, ioBuffer.getLength() );
            final int charCount = Character.charCount( c );
            bufferIndex += charCount;

            if ( isTokenChar( c ) ) { // if it's a token char
                if ( length == 0 ) { // start of token
                    assert start == -1;
                    start = offset + bufferIndex - charCount;
                    end = start;
                } else if ( length >= buffer.length - 1 ) { // check if a supplementary could run out of bounds
                    buffer = termAtt.resizeBuffer( 2 + length ); // make sure a supplementary fits in the buffer
                end += charCount;
                length += Character.toChars( normalize( c ), buffer, length ); // buffer it, normalized
                if ( length >= MAX_WORD_LEN ) // buffer overflow! make sure to check for >= surrogate pair could break == test
            } else if ( length > 0 ) // at non-Letter w/ chars
                break; // return 'em

        if ( length > 0 && bufferIndex < ioBuffer.getLength() ) {//If at least one token is found,


            // use CharacterUtils here to support < 3.1 UTF-16 code unit behavior if the char based methods are gone
            int c = charUtils.codePointAt( ioBuffer.getBuffer(), bufferIndex, ioBuffer.getLength() );
            int charCount = Character.charCount( c );
            bufferIndex += charCount;

            while ( !isTokenChar( c ) && bufferIndex < ioBuffer.getLength() ) {// As long as we find delimiter(not token char), keep appending it to output stream.

                if ( length >= buffer.length - 1 ) { // check if a supplementary could run out of bounds
                    buffer = termAtt.resizeBuffer( 2 + length ); // make sure a supplementary fits in the buffer

                end += charCount;

                length += Character.toChars( normalize( c ), buffer, length ); // buffer it, normalized

                if ( length >= MAX_WORD_LEN ) {// buffer overflow! make sure to check for >= surrogate pair could break == test

                c = charUtils.codePointAt( ioBuffer.getBuffer(), bufferIndex, ioBuffer.getLength() );
                charCount = Character.charCount( c );
                bufferIndex += charCount;
            //ShingleFilter will add a delimiter. Hence, the last iteration is skipped.
            //That is, for input `abc   def   ghi`, this tokenizer will return `abc  `(2 spaces only). Then, Shingle filter will by default add another delimiter making it `abc   `(3 spaces as it is in the input).
            //If there are N delimiters, this token will at max return N-1 delimiters

            bufferIndex -= charCount;
        termAtt.setLength( length );
        assert start != -1;
        offsetAtt.setOffset( correctOffset( start ), finalOffset = correctOffset( end ) );
        return true;

    public final void end() throws IOException
        // set final offset
        offsetAtt.setOffset( finalOffset, finalOffset );

    public void reset() throws IOException
        bufferIndex = 0;
        offset = 0;
        dataLen = 0;
        finalOffset = 0;
        ioBuffer.reset(); // make sure to reset the IO buffer!!

2) 一个具体的 class WhiteSpacePreservingTokenizer 扩展上述摘要 class 以提供定界符

package spellcheck.lucene.tokenizers;

import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Tokenizer;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.core.WhitespaceTokenizer;
import org.apache.lucene.util.AttributeFactory;

 * @author Arun Gowda
 * This class is exactly same as {@link WhitespaceTokenizer} Only difference is, it extends DelimiterPreservingCharTokenizer instead of CharTokenizer
public class WhiteSpacePreservingTokenizer extends DelimiterPreservingCharTokenizer

     * Construct a new WhitespaceTokenizer.
    public WhiteSpacePreservingTokenizer()

     * Construct a new WhitespaceTokenizer using a given
     * {@link org.apache.lucene.util.AttributeFactory}.
     * @param factory
     *          the attribute factory to use for this {@link Tokenizer}
    public WhiteSpacePreservingTokenizer( AttributeFactory factory )
        super( factory );

    /** Collects only characters which do not satisfy
     * {@link Character#isWhitespace(int)}.*/
    protected boolean isTokenChar( int c )
        return !Character.isWhitespace( c );

3) 上面的分词器会产生尾部空格。 (例如:blah____)我们需要向 trim 这些空格添加过滤器。所以我们需要 DelimiterTrimFilter 如下。(我们也可以通过使用 java 的 trim 来 trim。但是这样做效率很低,因为它会创建新的字符串)

package spellcheck.lucene.filters;

import java.io.IOException;

import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenFilter;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.CharTermAttribute;

public class DelimiterTrimFilter extends TokenFilter

    private final CharTermAttribute termAtt = addAttribute( CharTermAttribute.class );

    private char delimiter;

     * Create a new {@link DelimiterTrimFilter}.
     * @param in            the stream to consume
     * @param delimiterToTrim delimiter that should be trimmed
    public DelimiterTrimFilter( TokenStream in, char delimiterToTrim )
        super( in );
        this.delimiter = delimiterToTrim;

    public boolean incrementToken() throws IOException
        if ( !input.incrementToken() )
            return false;

        char[] termBuffer = termAtt.buffer();
        int len = termAtt.length();

        if ( len == 0 ) {
            return true;
        int start = 0;
        int end = 0;

        // eat the first characters
        for ( start = 0; start < len && termBuffer[start] == delimiter; start++ ) {
        // eat the end characters
        for ( end = len; end >= start && termBuffer[end - 1] == delimiter; end-- ) {
        if ( start > 0 || end < len ) {
            if ( start < end ) {
                termAtt.copyBuffer( termBuffer, start, ( end - start ) );
            } else {
        return true;


4) 我的 createAnalyzer 如下所示

public static Analyzer createAnalyzer( final int shingles )
        return new Analyzer() {
            protected TokenStreamComponents createComponents( @NotNull String field )
                final Tokenizer source = new WhiteSpacePreservingTokenizer();
                final TokenStream filter  = new ShingleFilter( new LowerCaseFilter( source ), shingles );
                filter = new DelimiterTrimFilter( filter, ' ' );
                return new TokenStreamComponents( source, filter );
