DDD 逻辑和持久性无知

DDD logic and Persistence Ignorance


public class Document 
  private ISet<User> sharedWith;

  public Document(string name) 
    this.sharedWith = new HashSet<User>();
    this.Name = name;

  public string Name { get; private set; }

  public IEnumerable<User> SharedWith 
      return this.sharedWith;

  public void ShareWith(User user) 
    if (this.SharedWith.Contains(user)) 
      throw new Exception("This document is already shared with that user.");


显然这不能很好地扩展,因为需要检查 SharedWith 用户是否存在,导致 ORM 将整个集合延迟加载到内存中。我 可以 在应用程序服务中进行存在性检查,但我考虑到这个域逻辑,所以对我来说,将它保存在文档 class 中最有意义。

我似乎无法弄清楚应该如何使用 DDD 来完成这项工作?如果我无法使用 ORM 怎么办,如何做这类事情?

我想我应该有一个 Document Aggregate 和一个 User Aggregate?

我查看了各种 DDD 资源(虽然我还没有读过这本书),但我似乎无法找到这个特定场景的答案。

我想如果你在基于 paper/actor 的世界中对此进行建模,那么有人将负责编组谁可以访问哪些文档,这可能依赖于某种基于纸张的文件人工制品。要获得对文档的访问权限,您必须填写文档申请表,这可能会经过审批流程。

在基于纸张的世界中,这种形式将成为多对多链接实体,成为用户访问安全文档的关键。这将使 UserDocumentDocumentRequestForm 成为三个独立的实体。


public class User { public Guid UserId { get; set; } }

public class Document
    public string Name { get; private set; }

    private ICollection<User> sharedWith = new List<User>();

    private DateTime? publishedOn;

    public Document(string name)
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))
            throw new ArgumentException("Name is required");

        this.Name = name;

    public void Publish()
        if (this.publishedOn.HasValue == false)
            this.publishedOn = DateTime.UtcNow;

    public void SharedWith(User user)
        if (this.publishedOn.HasValue == false)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Document must be published for sharing is allowed.");


public interface IDocumentRepository
    Document documentOfId(Guid id);

    bool IsAlreadySharedWith(Guid documentId, Guid userId);

public interface IUseRepository
    User userOfId(Guid id);

public class ShareDocumentService
    private readonly IUseRepository userRepository;
    private readonly IDocumentRepository documentRepository;

    public void ShareWith(Guid userId, Guid documentId)
        if (documentRepository.IsAlreadySharedWith(documentId, userId))
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Document has already been shared with user.");

        User user = userRepository.userOfId(userId);

        Document doc = documentRepository.documentOfId(documentId);
