
How to plot parallel chart without scaling correctly?

我尝试绘制一个平行图表,显示用户在播放音频文件时的交互。 一个 y 轴显示音频播放,另一个轴显示用户正在处理它的时间。

问题:左TranscrTime轴的最大值应该是大约。 6000 而不是 600。音频轴的最大值应为 334。 我认为出了点问题(见屏幕截图和代码)。


# the code to create the data table. An example is uploaded to pastebin at the end of this post.
create_pc_table <- function(id) {
  id_logs <- logs[logs$id == id, ]

  sample_rate <- 22050

  #signal time and transcription time in seconds
  # for reasons of simplicity I inserted the values in the code
  signal_time <- 334
  transcr_time <- 5940

  # ignore all playhead postions less than 0
  playpos_num <- nrow(id_logs[id_logs$playpos > -1,])

  # create data table
  data <-
      "Audio" = vector(length = playpos_num),
      "TranscrTime" = vector(length = playpos_num),
      "Type" = vector(length = playpos_num)

  j <- 1
  if (is.numeric(signal_time) && is.numeric(transcr_time)) {
    for (i in 1:nrow(id_logs)) {
      log <- id_logs[i,]
      type <- get_log_type(log)

      #ignore audio changes
      if (type != "audioChange") {
        playpos <- as.double(log$playpos)

        if (playpos > -1) {
          audio_scaled = as.double((playpos / sample_rate))
          transcr_scaled = as.double(log$timestamp)

          data[j,] <-
            c(audio_scaled, transcr_scaled, get_log_type(log))
          j <- j + 1
  } else {
    print("value is not numeric!")

  # remove empty lines
  data <- data[data$Audio!=FALSE,]

# the code to plot the parallel chart
draw_parallel_chart <- function(id) {
  data <- create_pc_table(id)

  # Plot
    columns = 1:2,
    groupColumn = 3,
    scale = "globalminmax",
    title = id,
  ) + theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(), axis.title.y = element_blank(), panel.background =element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_line("black", size=0.2), panel.grid.major.x = element_line("black", size=1, arrow = arrow()), panel.grid.minor.y= element_line("lightgray", size=1)) + scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0.05,0.05))


我修好了。问题是 Audio 和 TransrTime 列未被识别为数字。我在将列的所有值转换为数字时修复了它:

  data[,1] <- as.numeric(data[,1])
  data[,2] <- as.numeric(data[,2])
  data <- data[order(data$TranscrTime),]