Haskell Squeal SQL 库 - MonadReader 类型错误

Haskell Squeal SQL library - Type error with MonadReader

我正在使用名为 Squeal 的 SQL 库构建 Haskell Servant API: https://github.com/morphismtech/squeal



type Schema = '["users" ::: UsersTable, ...]
type Schemas = Public Schema

其中 Public 是单个模式数据库的类型族。来自于: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/squeal-postgresql-

我正在尝试像这样在 Reader 中传递连接池:

import qualified Squeal.PostgreSQL             as S
import qualified Squeal.PostgreSQL.Pool        as SPG

newtype AppT m a
    = AppT
    { runApp :: ReaderT SquealPool (ExceptT ServerError m) a
    } deriving
    ( Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadReader SquealPool, MonadError ServerError
    , MonadIO

type App = AppT IO

type SquealPool = SPG.Pool (SQ.K S.Connection Schema)

我的 SQL 查询和会话是这样的:

emailQuery :: Query_ Schemas (Only Text) UserEmail
emailQuery = select (#email `as` #email)
                    (from (table #users) & where_ (#email .== param @1))

    :: (MonadReader SquealPool m, MonadPQ Schemas m, MonadIO m)
    => Text
    -> m UserEmail
emailTakenSession email = do
    result <- runQueryParams emailQuery (Only email)
    email  <- getRow 1 result
    return email

最后,我在 Servant 处理程序中使用它们,如下所示:

emailTaken :: MonadIO m => Text -> AppT m APIEmail
emailTaken emailStr = do
    pool   <- ask -- this produces error
    result <- liftIO $ runPoolPQ (Q.emailTakenSession emailStr) pool
    return $ APIEmail result True



 * Couldn't match kind `[(ghc-prim-0.5.3:GHC.Types.Symbol,
                 with `Squeal.PostgreSQL.Schema.SchemumType' 

据我了解,它试图将类型族 Schemas 与类型 Schema.



我需要如何编辑类型签名才能使其编译和工作? 特别是 emailTakenSession 至少可能是关闭的。



type SquealPool = SPG.Pool (SQ.K S.Connection Schema)


type SquealPool = SPG.Pool (S.K S.Connection '["public" ::: Schema])

类型族无论如何都会解决这个问题,这样我就不会在 AppT.

中为 MonadReader 派生提供非法构造(类型族)

这是我如何组合 Squeal 和 Servant 的框架。

  , OverloadedLabels
  , OverloadedStrings
  , PolyKinds

module SquealServant where

import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.String
import Servant
import Squeal.PostgreSQL
import Data.Pool

type DB = Public Schema

type Schema = '[] -- your schema here

type API = Get '[JSON] String -- your api here

type PoolDB = Pool (K Connection DB)

application :: PoolDB -> Application
application pool = serve api (server pool)

server :: PoolDB -> Server API
server pool = hoistServer api (handler pool) serverT

handler :: PoolDB -> PQ DB DB IO x -> Handler x
handler pool session = do
  errOrResult <- liftIO . usingConnectionPool pool $
    trySqueal (transactionally_ session)
  case errOrResult of
    Left err -> throwError (sqlErr err)
    Right result -> return result

sqlErr :: SquealException -> ServerError
sqlErr err = err500 { errBody = fromString (show err) }

api :: Proxy API
api = Proxy

serverT :: ServerT API (PQ DB DB IO)
serverT = hello

hello :: PQ DB DB IO String
hello = do
  Only greeting <- getRow 0 =<< runQuery helloQ
  return greeting

helloQ :: Query_ DB () (Only String)
helloQ = values_ ("hello world" `as` #fromOnly)

usingConnectionPool :: PoolDB -> PQ DB DB IO x -> IO x
usingConnectionPool pool (PQ session) = unK <$> withResource pool session