UIView 实时复制另一个视图的 CAAnimation?

UIView replicate CAAnimation of another view, in real time?

所以我得到了一个带有渐变子层的背景视图,它不断地设置动画以缓慢地改变颜色。我用 CATransaction 来做,因为我还需要为其他属性设置动画:


gradientLayer.add(colorAnimation, forKey: "colors")
// other animations

    // start animation again, loop forever



注意 1:如果可能的话,我不能只在按钮中 "make a hole",因为我可能在按钮和背景之间有其他不透明视图。

注2:按钮上的渐变位置并不重要。我不希望文本渐变复制下面的确切颜色,而是模仿背景的 "mood"。


func register(layer: CAGradientLayer) {
    let pointer = Unmanaged.passUnretained(layer).toOpaque()


解决方案确实是使用 beginTime 属性,正如@Shivam Gaur 的评论所建议的那样。我是这样实现的:

// The background layer, with the original animation
var backgroundLayer: CAGradientLayer!

// The animation
var colorAnimation: CABasicAnimation!

// Variable to store animation begin time
var animationBeginTime: CFTimeInterval!

// Registered layers replicating the animation
private var registeredLayers: NSPointerArray = NSPointerArray.weakObjects()


// Somewhere in our code, the setup function
func setup() {
    colorAnimation = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "colors")
    // do the animation setup here

// Called by an external class when we add a view that should replicate the background animation
func register(layer: CAGradientLayer) {

    // Store a pointer to the layer in our array
    let pointer = Unmanaged.passUnretained(layer).toOpaque()

    layer.colors = colorAnimation.toValue as! [Any]?

    // HERE'S THE KEY: We compute time elapsed since the beginning of the animation, and start the animation at that time, using 'beginTime'
    let timeElapsed = CACurrentMediaTime() - animationBeginTime
    colorAnimation.beginTime = -timeElapsed

    layer.add(colorAnimation, forKey: "colors")
    colorAnimation.beginTime = 0

// The function called recursively for an endless animation
func animate() {

    // Destination layer
    let toLayer = newGradient() // some function to create a new color gradient
    toLayer.frame = UIScreen.main.bounds

    // Setup animation
    colorAnimation.fromValue = backgroundLayer.colors;
    colorAnimation.toValue = toLayer.colors;

    // Update background layer
    backgroundLayer.colors = toLayer.colors

    // Update registered layers (iterate is a custom function I declared as an extension of NSPointerArray)
    registeredLayers.iterate() { obj in
        guard let layer = obj as? CAGradientLayer else { return }
        layer.colors = toLayer.colors



    // Add animation to background
    backgroundLayer.add(colorAnimation, forKey: "colors")

    // Store starting time
    animationBeginTime = CACurrentMediaTime();

    // Add animation to registered layers
    registeredLayers.iterate() { obj in
        guard let layer = obj as? CAGradientLayer else { return }
        layer.add(colorAnimation, forKey: "colors")

