在 Angular 中放置独立函数的位置

Where to place standalone functions in Angular

我有这些功能,它们被 3 个组件使用。


我在想 Rails 上的 Ruby。他们有lib,但我不确定lib文件夹中的这些方法是否正常。


export function fileSizeConverter(size: number, fromUnit: string, toUnit: string ): number | string {
  const units: string[] = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'];
  const from = units.indexOf(fromUnit.toUpperCase());
  const to = units.indexOf(toUnit.toUpperCase());
  const BASE_SIZE = 1024;
  let result: number | string = 0;

  if (from < 0 || to < 0 ) { return result = 'Error: Incorrect units'; }

  result = from < to ? size / (BASE_SIZE ** to) : size * (BASE_SIZE ** from);

  return result.toFixed(2);
export function isFileMoreThanLimit(fileSize: number, fromUnit: string, toUnit: string , limit: number) {
  return fileSizeConverter(fileSize, fromUnit, toUnit) > limit;
export function fileExtensionChecker(file: string): boolean {
  const fileExtensions = {
    'png' : true,
    'jpg' : true,
    'jpeg': true,
    'stl' : true,
    'obj' : true,
    'zip' : true,
    'dcm' : true,
    '3oxz': true
  // this is weird, instead of showing undefined if file argument is not present in the hash it will throw error.
  return fileExtensions[file] ? true : false;
export function fileTypeParser(fileType: string): string {
  return fileType.split('/')[1];


在 TypeScript 中编写实用函数主要有两种方式:

A) 普通函数(在文件中分组)


export function sum(a: number, b: number): number {
    return a + b;

export const sum = (a: number, b: number): number=> {
    return a + b;


import { sum } from './util';
let value = sum(4, 11);

B) class

export class Math {
    static sum(a: number, b: number): number {
        return a + b;


Utilities in TypeScript