为什么 webpack-dev-server 不执行 compiler hook?

Why does webpack-dev-server not execute compiler hook?

考虑以下 webpack.config.js。当 运行 npx webpack 我对 console.log('Here goes my custom function') 的调用被执行。但是 运行 npx webpack-dev-server 它没有,尽管我可以看到它进行了编译。


module.exports = {
      // ... 
    module: {
      // ...
    plugins: [  
            apply: (compiler) =>{
                compiler.hooks.beforeRun.tap('BeforeRunPlugin', (compilation) => {
                    console.log('Here goes my custom function')
        // ... 
    devServer: {  
        contentBase: join(__dirname, 'dist'),
        publicPath: './assets/',
        port: 7700,
        open: false,
        overlay: true, // show compiler errors as overlay
        writeToDisk: true,

我在这里引用了 sokra,所以感谢他:https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/10061

There are two way to run webpack: run and watch. The dev-server uses watch.

The beforeRun hook is only called for run and not for watch.

You may want to use the compile hook instead.