lightsail 实例是否还包括 dbms?

Does lightsail instance also includes dbms?

我正在为一所学校实施一个非常基本的动态网站,parent 可以在其中看到到期费用和 child 的出勤率。这项服务平均每天有 30 名用户。


AWS Lightsail 是否包含 dbms(关系型或 nosql),或者我也必须使用 RDS 实例(这会提高价格)。

是的,您可以从 AWS 检查这个 blog


Today we are making Lightsail even more useful by giving you the ability to create a managed database with a couple of clicks. This has been one of our top customer requests and I am happy to be able to share this news.

This feature is going to be of interest to a very wide range of current and future Lightsail users, including students, independent developers, entrepreneurs, and IT managers. We’ve addressed the most common and complex issues that arise when setting up and running a database. As you will soon see, we have simplified and fine-tuned the process of choosing, launching, securing, accessing, monitoring, and maintaining a database!


LAMP with PHP 7.x certified by Bitnami greatly simplifies the development and deployment of PHP applications. It includes the latest versions of PHP 7.x, Apache and MySQL together with phpMyAdmin and popular PHP frameworks Zend, Symfony, CodeIgniter, CakePHP, Smarty, and Laravel.

或者,如果您使用的是 nodejs,那么您可以使用 NoSQL 尝试使用 MEAN 堆栈。

MEAN certified by Bitnami provides a complete production environment for MongoDB and Node.js applications. It includes the latest stable release of MongoDB, Express, Angular and Node.js. Apart from these core components, it also includes the latest versions of Apache, Git, PHP and RockMongo.

