使用 NULL 对多个文本列进行排序

Sort multiple text columns with NULL


a    | null
x    | f
null | a
i    | n


a    | a
i    | f
x    | n
null | null

在 mysql 中是否可以执行此操作?

使用 ROW_NUMBER() window 函数:

select t1.col1, t2.col2
from (
  select col1, row_number() over(order by col1 is null, col1) rn
  from tablename
) t1 inner join (  
  select col2, row_number() over(order by col2 is null, col2) rn
  from tablename
) t2 on t2.rn = t1.rn


或者使用 CTE:

  cte1 as (select col1, row_number() over(order by col1 is null, col1) rn from tablename),
  cte2 as (select col2, row_number() over(order by col2 is null, col2) rn from tablename)
select cte1.col1, cte2.col2
from cte1 inner join cte2 
on cte2.rn = cte1.rn



| col1 | col2 |
| ---- | ---- |
| a    | a    |
| i    | f    |
| x    | n    |
| null | null |

要独立地对 2 列进行排序,最后为空值?

对于 MySql 5.x,这里有一个按 π 排序的解:

-- sample data
drop table if exists test;
create table test (col1 varchar(8), col2 varchar(8));
insert into test (col1, col2) values
('a', null), ('x', 'f'), (null, 'a'), ('i', 'n');

-- initiating variables
set @rn1:=0, @rn2:=0;
-- query that links on calculated rownumbers
select col1, col2
from (select @rn1:=@rn1+1 as rn, col1 from test order by coalesce(col1,'π') asc) q1
left join (select @rn2:=@rn2+1 as rn, col2 from test order by coalesce(col2,'π') asc) q2
  on q1.rn = q2.rn
order by q1.rn;


col1    col2
a       a
i       f
x       n

在 MySql 8.0 中,可以使用 window 函数 ROW_NUMBER 代替变量。

select col1, col2
from (select row_number() over (order by coalesce(col1,'π') asc) as rn, col1 from test) q1
left join (select row_number() over (order by coalesce(col2,'π') asc) as rn, col2 from test where col2 is not null) q2
  on q1.rn = q2.rn
order by q1.rn;

db<>fiddle here
