PHPUnit & Doctine:如何模拟我的实体?

PHPUnit & Doctine : How to mock my entities?

我正在用 Symfony3.4 创建一个库。我正在使用 PHPUnit 进行测试。

我有一个方法可以从我的数据库中检索数据,我有 2 个处于关系中的实体,Collection() 和 CollectionElement() :

public function recording()
        try {
            // [...]

            $collection = new Collection();

            $collectionExists = $this->em->getRepository(Collection::class)
                ->findOneBy(['nomCollection' => $dbname]);

            // if user provided specific values for $file1, $file2, ... parameters.
            if ((empty($collectionExists)) and (count($datafile) > 0)) {
                // For now, assume USING/OPENING a database is to be done in READ ONLY MODE.
            } else {
                $collection = $collectionExists;

            // [....]

            $this->seqcount = count($temp_r);

            foreach($temp_r as $seqid => $line_r) {
                // Check if the file already exists
                $collectionElementExists = $this->em->getRepository(CollectionElement::class)
                    ->findOneBy(['fileName' => $line_r["filename"]]);

                if(empty($collectionElementExists)) {
                    $collectionElement = new CollectionElement();

        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            throw new \Exception($e);

然后我必须进行一些测试,但我无法模拟我的 EntityManager :

    $collection = new Collection();
    $mockedEm = $this->createMock(EntityManager::class);

 $this->collectionMock = $this->getMockBuilder('AppBundle\Entity\IO\Collection')

请问我该怎么做才能完成这项工作?此外,两个实体都调用 findOneBy() ...



$mockedEm = $this->createMock(EntityManager::class);

您错过的是对 getRepository 的调用。

$repo = $this->createMock(EntityRepository::class);

之后您就可以对存储库上的 findOneBy 有期望了。

  ->withConsecutive(['fileName' => 'f1'], ['fileName' => 'f2'])
  ->willReturnOnConsecutiveCalls($entity1, $entity2);