
How to adjust size of column with pdfmake?

我目前正在客户端使用 pdfmake 生成 PDF,我有一个问题:

我想调整整个 Column 2 + A, B 块的大小,但我不能,即使我输入了巨大的值......目标是将 Column 2 在上面, AB 就在它下面。

var dd = {
    content: [
            columns: [
                    text: 'Column 1',
                    style: [{bold: true, alignment: 'center'}],
                    width: 45
                        text: 'Column 2',
                        style: [{bold: true, alignment: 'center'}],
                        width: 200 // Nothing changes..
                        columns: [
                                text: 'A',
                                width: '*',
                                style: [{bold: true, alignment: 'center'}],
                                text: 'B',
                                width: '*',
                                style: [{bold: true, alignment: 'center'}],
                    text: 'Column 3',
                    width: '*',
                    style: [{bold: true, alignment: 'center'}],

you need to use table attribute into content instead of columns. please look into pdfmake/playground.html properly you will surely get an answer. I have uploaded some content from that which is useful to you.

        style: 'tableExample',
        color: '#444',
        table: {
            widths: [200, 'auto', 'auto'],
            headerRows: 2,
            // keepWithHeaderRows: 1,
            body: [
                [{text: 'Header with Colspan = 2', style: 'tableHeader', colSpan: 2, alignment: 'center'}, {}, {text: 'Header 3', style: 'tableHeader', alignment: 'center'}],
                [{text: 'Header 1', style: 'tableHeader', alignment: 'center'}, {text: 'Header 2', style: 'tableHeader', alignment: 'center'}, {text: 'Header 3', style: 'tableHeader', alignment: 'center'}],
                ['Sample value 1', 'Sample value 2', 'Sample value 3'],
                [{rowSpan: 3, text: 'rowSpan set to 3\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor'}, 'Sample value 2', 'Sample value 3'],
                ['', 'Sample value 2', 'Sample value 3'],
                ['Sample value 1', 'Sample value 2', 'Sample value 3'],
                ['Sample value 1', {colSpan: 2, rowSpan: 2, text: 'Both:\nrowSpan and colSpan\ncan be defined at the same time'}, ''],
                ['Sample value 1', '', ''],
            style: 'tableExample',
            table: {
                widths: [100, '*', 200, '*'],
                body: [
                    ['width=100', 'star-sized', 'width=200', 'star-sized'],
                    ['fixed-width cells have exactly the specified width', {text: 'nothing interesting here', italics: true, color: 'gray'}, {text: 'nothing interesting here', italics: true, color: 'gray'}, {text: 'nothing interesting here', italics: true, color: 'gray'}]
